Difference between 'echo' and 'echo -e' - Unix & Linux Stack …
two quotation marks, literally, and just print out as it is. However with echo -e you're making echo to enable interpret backslash escapes. So with this in mind here are some examples. INPUT: echo "abc\n def \nghi" OUTPUT:abc\n def \nghi INPUT: echo -e "abc\n def \nghi" OUTPUT:abc def ghi. Note: \n is new line, ie a carriage return.
unix - How to use echo command to print out content of a text file ...
you could use echo command with cat as command substitution. However, it will replace CR or return (unix: \n) with spaces: $ echo $(cat names.txt) Homer Marge Bart Lisa Maggie Could be an interesting feature if you want to pipe to further data processing though. E.g. replacing spaces with sed command.
How do I append the UNIX command date to an echo statement
2015年7月20日 · For the general question of how to append data to an echo, some common techniques are: $ echo 'Hi, today is ' | tr -d '\012'; date Hi, today is Wed Feb 1 18:11:40 MST 2012 $ echo -n 'Hi, today is '; date Hi, today is Wed Feb 1 18:11:43 MST 2012 $ printf 'Hi, today is '; date Hi, today is Wed Feb 1 18:11:48 MST 2012
What is the difference between "echo" and "echo -n"?
2015年6月10日 · echo alone adds a new line, whereas echo -n does not. From man bash: echo [-neE] [arg ...] Output the args, separated by spaces, followed by a newline. (...) If -n is specified, the trailing newline is suppressed. Having this into account, it is always safer to use printf, which provides the same functionality as echo -n. That is, no default ...
How do I print the result of a command with 'echo'?
Per example, but with the echo command with some words on sides: For example, Hello Diogo Saraiva, happy to see you again. Where Diogo Saraiva is my full name which I have in Ubuntu records. I tried some things, but I have not accomplished that script...
How can I write and append using echo command to a file
2013年6月19日 · I am trying to write a script which will use echo and write/append to a file. But I have " " in syntax already in strings .. say .. echo "I am "Finding" difficult to write this to file" > file.txt echo "I can "write" without double quotes" >> file.txt Can anyone please help to understand this, really appreciated. BR, SM
How to echo shell commands as they are executed
2010年5月18日 · Set by the -v command line option. echo If set, each command with its arguments is echoed just before it is executed. For non-builtin commands all expansions occur before echoing. Builtin commands are echoed before command and filename substitution, because these substitutions are then done selectively. Set by the -x command line option.
How to print / echo environment variables? - Stack Overflow
Note that only the printenv-based command preserves the semantics of the OP's command: defining NAME as a command-scoped environment variable, which only the invoked command and its child processes see, but no subsequent shell commands.
What does echo $? do? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2019年2月17日 · Anyway :-)" fi echo "'Unix & Linux' is a question/answer web site for Unix and Linux operating systems" You may ask how to run a bash shellscript without Unix or Linux ;-) Share
linux - Can I use ECHO to execute commands? - Stack Overflow
Lets take this command as an example: $ echo -e "echo AAA\necho BBB\necho CCC" echo AAA echo BBB echo CCC From that I only need AAA: $ echo -e "echo AAA\necho BBB\necho CCC" | grep AAA echo AAA Now to actually execute that echo AAA: sh or bash $ echo -e "echo AAA\necho BBB\necho CCC" | grep AAA | sh AAA xargs