What Is Expressive Theory? - SpringerLink
2010年1月1日 · Expressive theory has been sketched in sections 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 of chapter 4 dealing with (oni)ontology of performance. We have seen that expression splits into semantics and rhetorics: What is expressed, and how this is performed.
Expressive Theory - bachelorandmaster.com
Expressive criticism treats a literary work primarily in relation to the author. It defines poetry as an expression, or overflow, or utterance of feeling, or as the products of poet’s feelings. The theory tends to judge the work by its sincerity to the poets’ vision or the state of mind.
We have seen that expression splits into semantics and rhetorics: What is expressed, and how this is performed. Perfor-mance theory as it stands now partitions this complex of expressivity into three big themes: emotion, gesture, and analysis.
Questions which must be addressed arising from the Expressive Theory
Collingwood is an Expressive Theorist with respect to the nature of art so there is an affinity between him and Tolstoy. Nevertheless, Collingwood held that Tolstoy is gravely mistaken about the nature of expression.
The theory can perhaps be best defined briefly by Wordsworth's famous statement in the Preface to the Lyrical Ballads: "All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings." Although the statement defines (good) poetry as the expression of feeling, the Expression Theory can be taken in a broader sense, as embracing all
Expression Theories - SpringerLink
Theories in philosophy of art that emphasize this expressive dimension are often called expression theories. Whereas early expression theories particularly stressed the audience's side of expression, more recent views emphasize art as the self-expression of the artist.
Artistic expression - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
One view, the expression theory, asserts that expressiveness can be attributed to art works only where there is this discharge of feeling, and because of it: art works are expressive because they stand in relation to artists’ occurrent emotions as do tears to sadness, as both arising from and revealing the feeling.
Philosophy of art - Expression, Aesthetics, Creativity | Britannica
Philosophy of art - Expression, Aesthetics, Creativity: The view that “art is imitation (representation)” has not only been challenged, it has been moribund in at least some of the arts since the 19th century. It was subsequently replaced by the theory that art is expression.
The Expression Theory Again | Philosophical Perspectives on Art ...
2010年5月1日 · One form of self-expression by artists involves their appropriating art's independently expressive character to match, and thereby give sophisticated expression to, their own affective states. Keywords: expression theory , work of art , …
Expression in Contemporary Art, Part 2: The Expressive Theory in …
2021年8月25日 · But whether in its basic or developed conception, the expressive theory can plausibly thought to underlie and legitimate much prominent visual art of the first half of the twentieth-century.