The City of Grandville is made up of a number of departments working to serve the City by providing a wide range of services to residents, businesses, and visitors. Listed below are the various departments that keep the City functioning and serving the community.
Between the Tree Lighting Ceremony in December, the 4th of July parade and celebration, and the Michigan Week Barbecue, the community of Grandville offers a wide range of events, activities, and features for residents and visitors of Grandville.
The Grandville City Council is the elected body that presides over the City. The Council is responsible for setting goals and policies for the city government, annually adopting a budget that supports city activities, and executing formal actions required by the City Charter.
The City of Grandville Public Works Department is comprised of skilled professionals and is supported by a collection of talented, long-serving employees and well-trained seasonal help. One of the most active programs this time of year is snow removal.
The City of Grandville has often been known as the City of "churches and parks." Below is a list and description of each park in Grandville. For more information about reserving shelters and facilities at our parks, contact the Department of Public Works at (616)-538-1990.
The 59th District Court has jurisdiction in the cities of Grandville and Walker in Kent County. The 59th District Court consists of one Judge and a part-time Magistrate. The Court processes the following: Traffic and parking citations; Small Claims; Landlord/Tenant proceedings; Criminal matters; Marriages; Civil filings of $25,000 or less
The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is responsible for facilitating growth and development in downtown Grandville, in order to ensure the downtown's stability in the Grandville community. The DDA is also responsible for maintaining and improving physical attributes of …
The City Manager is appointed by the elected City Council, according to the City Charter, Section 6.8. The City Manager is designated as the chief administrative officer of the city government and is responsible for the daily operations and policies of the City of Grandville.
The Grandville City Clerks Office is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays 8 AM - 5 PM, Wednesday 8 Am - 6:30 PM and Friday 8 AM - 12 PM to assist with your election questions. AFTER HOURS DROP bOX Applications AND ballots can be returned to the …