Usage of the word "behoove" - English Language & Usage Stack …
No it doesn't make sense. If you must use behooved, you're probably trying to say: It behooves the university to accept me, as I fit its requirements [and have the right goals]. This is saying that you are so well suited to the university's requirements. Literally, that it would suit the university very well to accept you, as you fit the ...
grammar - If someone says, "I behoove you to read the policies" is …
2019年6月7日 · I think you're right. This manager should say: "It would behoove you to read the policies" or "It behooves you to read the policies." behoove. transitive verb: to be necessary, proper, or advantageous for - it behooves us to go. intransitive verb: to be necessary, fit, or proper [Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary]
It would behoove you to - WordReference Forums
2005年11月25日 · - It behoves you to be grateful to those who provide for you. (il vous incombe de..., il vous appartient de...) But in the conditional, which is the case in your examples, I think it's pretty close to 'vous avez intérêt à...' - It would behoove you to do this correctly. - Vous avez intérêt à faire ça correctement.
Misuse of "behoove"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年11月2日 · The word behove/behoove has had various meanings across the centuries as evidenced by the multiplicity of senses quoted in the OED. The one which most clearly corresponds to the way I have heard it used, and the only one I noticed with examples as recent as the 20th century was sense 4a.
Is it okay to use the word "behooves" in this way?
2012年10月1日 · 1647 W. Browne Polexander i. 126 ― It behooves, likewise, that you give some roome and place to those that speake to you. 1860 Adler Fauriel’s Prov. Poetry xvii. 389 ― It well behooves that every faithful friend··should dread to disclose··his passion. † d. the thing incumbent elliptically omitted. Obs. 1644 Milton Areop.
behoove - WordReference Forums
2020年10月17日 · You do hear it occasionally but not often in the U.S. Here's a search result page for the phrase "it would behoove you". "it would behoove you" - Google Search Several of the items are transcripts of legislative hearings in the U.S., i.e. fairly formal, serious occasions (from several decades ago).
To be behooved - WordReference Forums
2009年2月3日 · What does it mean in the following conversation, please? "You may be behooved, madam. I wouldn´t know what you were meaning." "I am behooved. The Bishop will hear of this. < Moderator note: Excessive quoted material removed. Please read the Forum Rules. Quoted material must be limited to...
What's the meaning of "You better take this"?
2016年1月10日 · When we say, "You had," we simply say, "You'd." However, the way the "d" in "you'd" sounds when said against the "b" in "better," makes it almost inaudible. As a result, many English speakers end up saying and even writing, "You better." What it actually means is: "You ought to take this," or, "It would behoove you to take this." You take this.
behoove/behove - WordReference Forums
2010年1月25日 · In this context: we wish for the time when we may aspire to the vice-regal office. it, therefore, behooves us to learn the use of arms and to acquire the ability to defend ourselves in the Army. what does behoove mean? does it mean: "ci …
Are behave and behoove related? [closed] - English Language
Behoove Old English behofian "to have need of, have use for," verbal form of the ancient compound word represented by behoof . Historically, it rimes with move, prove , but being now mainly a literary word, it is generally made to rime with rove, grove , by those who know it …