Phoenix University of Theology - DegreeInfo
2017年2月27日 · This school now appears to call itself Phoenix University of Theology International. Now, I'm hardly one for conspiracy theories, but in theory, does that mean its acronym is PUTIN? (Imagine Dana Carvey asking that in his "Church Lady" voice.) Or, as Arsenio Hall might say, that's one of those things that makes you go, "Hmmmmm . . ."
University of Phoenix Credits Transferable to a state college?
2013年1月30日 · I want to go into A Didactic Program in Dietetics and University of Phoenix is not an accredited university approved by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. University of California, Berkeley is credited by the ACEND, enrollment for this program takes 43 credits ...
University of Phoenix Accreditation? | DegreeInfo
2001年2月9日 · The University of Phoenix is indeed accredited by their regional association. However, they are not accredited by certain business accreditors (AACSB or ACBSP) which may in fact be more important than regional accreditation is some cases, especially admission to a graduate school other than UoP.
University of Phoenix's accreditation | DegreeInfo
2001年7月7日 · Does anyone know how recognized is University of Phoenix's degrees? I know they're regionally accredited as an education institution but what I mean is if you hold a degree from them, is it respected or "pooh-poohed" as one from a sub-standard school? Would post grad schools look favorably on their degree?
Death of a Diploma Mill: University of Phoenix Going Down
2015年8月1日 · University of Phoenix is not a diploma mill but their quality does leave one to question it. I was recently on a hiring panel for a full time faculty position where I work. We asked the potential applicant about his dissertation and he had only surveyed 15 people for his study and they were all colleagues where he worked.
Argosy U/News | DegreeInfo
2002年8月11日 · The accreditation is a tremendous step forward for Argosy University/Phoenix, formerly known as the Arizona School of Professional Psychology. The APA accreditation will permit the first class of AU/Phoenix PsyD students to graduate this fall from an accredited program with enhanced credentials.
university of phoenix | DegreeInfo
2010年4月2日 · Home Forums > Other Education-related topics > Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva > university of phoenix Discussion in ' Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva ' started by andypicken2 , Mar 31, 2010 .
Phd in Quantum Healing Therapy via distance learning?
2022年10月4日 · AHQSE, a bogus accreditor, stands for "Accreditation High Quality Standard Education". So they just threw together a word salad that sounded official enough to them and said "Yeah, that'll fool'em.
Grad. school acceptance from U. of Phoenix? | DegreeInfo
2005年12月13日 · 1.) Accreditation of your undergraduate degree. 2.) Your specific major. 3.) Your GPA. 4.) Occasionally your GMAT or GRE scores, though there are a ton of schools out there who do not require a GMAT or GRE for acceptance into grad school with an adequate GPA...usually 3.0 or 3.5 or better.
University of phoenix or Walden University? - DegreeInfo
2013年9月30日 · Accreditation generally is from a non-accrediting body. So if its not RA or NA. Your screwed down the line. Along the line.. of Congratulation for earning your degree from UOD (University Of Damnation). Accredited by the DIE (THE DAMNED INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION). Where we guarantee the future of our students to be damned.