Runaway! Fugitive Slave Ads in Newspapers | Headlines & Heroes
2019年10月1日 · Fugitive slave ads abounded in American newspapers until the end of the Civil War. Abhorrent in their treatment of people as property, these brief descriptions of African Americans who escaped enslavement, albeit sometimes temporarily, bear witness to the bravery and unique characteristics of individuals who defied a massively powerful system ...
Picturing Slavery: Clothing, Appearance, and New England Advertisements …
2020年8月14日 · Enslavers regularly placed “Run Away” advertisements in 18th-century American newspapers when their human “property” attempted to escape a life of perpetual bondage. Such ads are a powerful tool for present-day …
18th-Century Runaway Slave Advertisements · SHEC: Resources …
These newspaper advertisements seeking runaway slaves offer interesting details about the individual lives of eighteenth-century slaves and their masters. Virginia Gazette : May 2 to May 9, 1745.
How to Read a Runaway Ad - Colonial Williamsburg
2020年6月11日 · To put these tips to the test and see what you can learn from runaway ads in 18th-century issues of the Virginia Gazette, visit the John D. Rockefeller Library’s digital collections. This is just a brief overview of what one primary resource can teach us about some of the people who resisted slavery by running away.
Newspaper Notices for Sales of Enslaved People and Runaways
Transcriptions of advertisements in 18th century newspapers for the sale of enslaved individuals and escaped slaves (runaways). Also some notes on slavery in Massachusetts in general. "Notes on Slaves and Slavery" by Samuel Roads, Jr.
The Geography of Slavery in Virginia: Virginia Runaways, Slave ...
The Geography of Slavery in Virginia is a digital collection of advertisements for runaway and captured slaves and servants in 18th- and 19th-century Virginia newspapers.
Runaway slave ads portray grim period of U.S. history
2016年3月17日 · Runaway slave advertisements – a common sight in North American newspapers in the 18th and 19th centuries – are frankly disturbing. They describe people as property, listing their physical attributes and family connections in chilling terms.
Runaway Ads - Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
2011年3月18日 · Using the data you gather, try to draw conclusions about how slavery and indentured servitude changed over the course of the 18th-century in Virginia. Extend the activity further by incorporating more advertisements from the Geography of Slavery in Virginia database.
Runaway Advertisements - NGS Monthly
2020年4月30日 · In colonial America’s earliest years, those with runaway slaves, indentured servants, apprentices, military deserters, escaped prisoners, husbands, wives, or children had to rely on broadsides or word of mouth to advertise a reward for their return.
Runaways | 18th Century Notebook
2024年11月22日 · Descriptions of runaway slaves, indentured servants, apprentices, and other workers from advertisements from the 18th century.