Twister Cables and Ankle Foot Orthosis - Custom Orthotics of …
1. Sit the child on bed or flat surface. Open twister cable belt and place behind her with the belt resting on her hips. Her hips and her knees should be at 90 degrees.
Instructions for HKAFO Twister Cables – Pediatric Orthotic …
HKAFO Twister cables are used to address issues of internal and external rotation in the lower extremities that result with in/out toeing of the patient. The cables of the orthosis will apply a counterforce to properly rotate your child’s feet against the opposing force to …
Neoprene Twisters - Gillette Children's
Learn what a neoprene twister cables is, how to use to improve gait and mobility. How to apply and care for orthosis.
Flexible Torsion Cable - Becker Orthopedic
Please specify length from the end of one connector to the other. Also specify internal or external rotation and right or left leg. Note: Torsion cable may also be ordered in bulk quantities.
De-rotation straps - Cascade Dafo
For very young patients with mild to moderate internal or external rotation of the femur and/or tibia. Not recommended for patients with fixed rotational deformities.
Torsions - Becker Orthopedic
Flexible Torsion Cable. 400-10 Torsion Cable Connector. 400-11 Snap-On Webbing Strap. 400-12 Loop Webbing Strap. 400-14 Torsion Knee Joint. 400-15 Hip Joint with Stainless Steel Upright. 400-2 Hip Joint. 400-20 Set Screw for Torsions. 400-4 Stirrup. 400-6 Thigh Attachment. 400-7 AFO Atachment. 400-8 Pelvic Band.
Orthopedic management of spina bifida. Part I: hip, knee, and ...
AFOs with twister cables can be introduced as early as 2 years of age. In addition, in patients who are too young for osteotomies who develop excessive valgus stress at the knee joint due to rotational malalignment, a knee–ankle–foot orthosis (KAFO) with a …
DAFO Twister Straps - Cascade Dafo
Twister straps. Elastic/non-stretch rotation leg control. Helps influence internal or external rotation for a temporary solution, leading to a longer term plan. Use Twister Strap order form. Domestic shipping only.
What’s Normal? What Needs to be Referred? - Children's Hospital …
2016年6月20日 · Bars, shoes, orthotics, and twister cables were used in the past to treat intoeing, but there is no scientific evidence that these devices have any effect on the natural tendency toward partial or complete correction by the 8 to 10 years of age.
The use of TheraTogs versus twister cables in the treatment of …
Gait data for the use of TheraTogs indicated improved foot progression with external rotation at the hips. Gait characteristics indicated improved gait velocity in TheraTogs, but stride length was better with TCs. The parent reported satisfaction and preference for TheraTogs.