Converting large numbers from binary to decimal and back in …
2016年9月5日 · When I convert it to decimal by use of parseInt(largeNumber, 10)l it gives me 1.5798770299367407e+199 but when I try to convert it back to binary: parseInt(`1.5798770299367407e+199`, 2) it returns 1 (which I think is related to how parseInt works by rounding value) when I was expecting to see my original binary representation of …
Javascript Binary to Decimal Calculator - Stack Overflow
2014年2月17日 · Javascript Binary to Decimal Calculator. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 9 months ago.
Calculator with Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers
2018年11月27日 · I want to make a calculator that is capable of calculation with decimal numbers and is able to return the decimal values in their respective binary, octal or hexadecimal representation. So far in the main method the program reads the command line and I can invoke the program by two ways. The first way would be with 3 values:
java - Binary calculator - Code Review Stack Exchange
2017年8月25日 · How to convert binary string value to decimal; How to convert a Binary String to a base 10 integer in Java; Check that a String entered contains only 1's and 0's; We can use suggestions from there and replace the calculation with shorter alternatives:
Why can't decimal numbers be represented exactly in binary?
2009年7月7日 · Like 1/3 in decimal representation (1/3 = 0.3333333... <- with an infinite number of "3") Like 0.1 in binary ( 0.1 = 0.00011001100110011.... <- with an infinite number of "0011") Everything is in that concept. Since your computer can only consider finite set of digits (decimal or binary), only some numbers can be exactly represented in your ...
Java: switching between binary and decimal "modes" on a calculator
2015年10月31日 · or for binary >0b111 + 0b101 >0b1100 What I'm having trouble with is being able to switch between calculating binary and decimal numbers on the fly. I'd ultimately like to make it work like this: (by default it would be in decimal mode) >1+1 >2 >bin >0b111 + 0b101 = 0b1100 >dec >5 * 10 >50 >exit (while typing exit at any point will exit the ...
php - calculate binary to decimal manually - Stack Overflow
2017年1月20日 · thank you for your reply, sorry my question was not clear enough, I wanted to calculate binary to decimal manually so I did not want to use native php function like bindec(). – ha_ryu Commented Jan 23, 2017 at 4:31
javascript - Decimal to Binary Calculator - Stack Overflow
2022年1月7日 · New to coding, I just thought of an idea of converting decimal numbers to binary so I made this program. However, while I feel the logic is right, I'm not sure why its not returning a full array of zero's and 1's corresponding to the decimal number that was input. After I get the array, I plan on doing remainder.join('') to return as one string.
c# - Binary to Decimal Conversion - Formula? - Stack Overflow
2012年3月16日 · For example, the decimal number 3906 can be written as: 3*1000 + 9*100 + 0*10 + 6*1 The place values are simply powers of ten: 3*10^3 + 9*10^2 + 0*10^1 + 6*10^0 (Remember that any number taken to the power of zero is 1.) Binary works exactly the same way, except the base is 2, not 10. For example, the binary number 101011 can be written as:
c# - How to convert binary to decimal - Stack Overflow
2009年12月25日 · A good way to go about this is to keep taking modulo (%) 10 (because decimal is base 10) of the binary value until we reach 0. Furthermore it would also be good to track the sum & the position at which we are at.