![](/rp/kFAqShRrnkQMbH6NYLBYoJ3lq9s.png) /24 - Cisco Learning Network /24 - This is Class C address . A class C network uses the first three octets for the network. The last octet is for the host so thats 2^8-2=254
Why are the default private IP addresses for home networks …
2021年1月28日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
networking - What's 24 in ""? - Super User
What's the meaning of /24 in the following command? route add -net
windows - How to connect to an smb share? - Super User
2011年10月17日 · After the creator's Update in Windows 10, on new Installs Windows disable SMB1 by default in an attempt to stop a virus.
What does /16,/24 mean with regards to ip addresses?
2019年7月26日 · Since OP question is looking at topology, I would add that this changes behavior when mapping - /24 will preserve the first 24 bits (eg: 255.255.255, or 192.168.0) as "fixed network" and iterate the remining 24 bits.
What other IP addresses can/should I use for my home network?
2015年4月24日 · I've been using 192.168.1.x for my home network, which has been perfectly happy for quite some time. However, I just started a new job, and they use the same set of IP addresses when I connect over...
How To Resolve IP Addresses To Domain Names? - Super User
2013年1月25日 · Yes, you can (sometimes) resolve an IP Address back to a hostname. Within DNS, an IP Address can be stored against a PTR record.
Communicating with devices on a different subnet - Super User
2015年1月6日 · I know this is an old one but you could also try setting your subnet mask on your PC to (or /16 CIDR) as it should (I say should because RFCs are not always followed by all manufacturers) allow you to communicate with 192.168.x.x (and I think if you use that CIDR you can specify a gateway outside of your 192.168.0.x).
So what does /24 have to do with 255 in hosts IP addresses?
2015年9月9日 · Quote: For example, would scan the 256 hosts between (binary: 11000000 10101000 00001010 00000000) and (binary: 11000000 10101000 00001010 11111111)
Nmap scan entire local network - Super User
2022年9月17日 · I wanted to scan the entirely of my home network using Nmap but was unsure of how I would go about this. My default gateway and subnet mask are and respectively, so I first