Was the 1968 US Presidential Election the key election in the 1868 ...
Nov 19, 2020 · I think the 1968 Presidential election was the key election in the 1868 (post-Civil War) to 1988 period. There are certainly other candidates, including 1948. Like 1948, there was a southern segregationist candidate (George Wallace) …
Was the 1968 US Presidential Election the key election in the 1868 ...
Nov 19, 2020 · Although I think that the election of 1912 and 1932 were both more significant than 1968, there was an event in 1968 that I do consider a watershed moment in American electoral politics. In the run up to election day, with Democratic candidate Vice President Humphrey trailing badly, Lyndon Johnson finally did what multiple advisors had been ...
Was the 1968 US Presidential Election the key election in the 1868 ...
Nov 19, 2020 · If your interest is the rise of the South in American politics, then I agree 1968 is an interesting election. Before 1968 the South was a political backwater - rarely, if ever, decisive in American politics. Since 1968, no candidate has won the presidency without carrying at least some Southern states.
Was the 1968 US Presidential Election the key election in the 1868 ...
Nov 19, 2020 · Excerpt 2 The public's concern about the federal budget deficit and fears of professional politicians allowed the independent candidacy of billionaire Texan Ross Perot to explode on the scene in dramatic fashion—at one point Perot was leading the major party candidates in the polls.
Why no Prez debates in '64, '68 or '72? | History Forum
Apr 4, 2015 · Why were there no Presidential debates in 1964, 1968 or 1972? The first TV Debate was in 1960, and were made famous, but debates were no renewed until 1976, which has continued until now. They would have had been interesting debates, all of them.
Was the 1968 US Presidential Election the key election in the 1868 ...
Nov 19, 2020 · By the 1960s they were starting to rebuild from disaster they had suffered as a result of the market crash of '29 and the election of 1932. The reason the Democrats could not hold their diverse coalition together was because the Republicans were successfully chipping away at FDR's old coalition.
Was the 1968 US Presidential Election the key election in the 1868 ...
Nov 19, 2020 · 1986, maybe. Maybe 1980. The two combined began the transition from progressive democracy to fascist plutocracy
LBJ A Coward For Dropping Out in 1968? - History Forum
Dec 14, 2023 · What are your thoughts on President Johnson and him dropping out of the presidential race in 1968? Some may say his popularity was at such a low he was destined to be defeated even within his own party. Others like former President Harry Truman felt that he did a disservice and damaged the Presidency by dropping out in a cowardly fashion.
If Nixon won in 1960 would the US have won the Vietnam War?
Nov 26, 2020 · Has we all know Richard Nixon very narrowly lost the 1960 Presidential Election. President Diem of Vietnam started hostilities against the Vietnamese Workers Party ( Viet Minh) in 1957 although the alternative view is the Viet Minh started hostilities. As …
Ten Battles the US lost in Vietnam - History Forum
Aug 9, 2021 · Americans love short wars with few casualties such has the Spanish American War and Gulf War 1 1990. Americans had long wars the ACW had quite a bit of push back both in the North and South. The Korean War ruined President Truman and Vietnam ruined LBJ. The Vietnam War was per the Gallup Poll popular at first but by 1968 not so much. Leftyhunter