Is there a specific word for a two-floored house?
2017年1月17日 · Orig., a one-storied house (or temporary building, e.g. a summer-house), lightly built, usually with a thatched roof. In modern use, any one-storied house. Outside of the UK, bungalow is often applied to a single or dual story house, where the second story is beneath the eaves, as @1006a has commented.
wood stove install in 2 story house - GreenBuildingAdvisor
2022年8月30日 · Suppliers like Selkirk have all of the components you will need to run the chimney through both your floor and roof. Just make sure you are using the right component for the right application, there are different components for flat ceilings or …
"Floors" for a house - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年9月3日 · Technically, the terms of ''floor'', ''floor level'' and ''storey\story'' apply no matter whether the building in question is a one storey shed or cottage or 100 storey high-rise. Now, what levels qualify as ''floors'' depends on local law and custom. For example, In some areas, basements are considered floor levels and not in others.
HVAC for 2 stories: 2 systems or single zoned unit?
2017年5月1日 · Generally speaking mind you, our new house will be about 3,000 sq ft and 2 stories. I’ve done a bit of reading on a few sites and kind of stuck on which way to approach HVAC. Option 1: 2 separate systems, 1 for each floor. I like the redundancy factor. The obvious downside, ,the cost of 2 units and maintaining them on a yearly basis.
word choice - x-stor(e)y or x-floor or x-level house/building ...
2016年4月28日 · 2-storey, 3-storey house; 80-floor skyscraper Either "-storey" or "-floor" sounds natural in UK English. "-storey" is particularly used for small numbers (such as 2 or 3), and for long term living accommodation (i.e. a block of flats/apartments).
meaning - Difference between floor and storey - English Language ...
2014年10月27日 · Take a building that has four levels, including the ground/earth level. It has four stories but three floors. This is because the ground floor does not count as a floor. The floor above is 1st floor, second floor, third floor + the ground floor = three floors, yet four stories.
New Tight House – Negative Pressure – Wood Stove Causing …
2024年11月30日 · The stove pipe is a straight shot up, no bends. Is single wall where pipe is exposed on the 1st floor and insulated pipe through 2nd floor chase, attic and up through the roof. House is 32′ x 24′ with two floors and a basement. 8′ ceilings on 1st floor, 2nd floor has 6′ walls at eaves side, sloping up to 8′ ceilings.
HVAC options for a two-level house with basement in Climate …
2019年3月18日 · We used clear span 2x4 web trusses for the 2nd floor with an opening designed in for HVAC trunk lines. I used part of a first floor existing closet for a chaseway to the 2nd floor trusses to connect to the trunk lines and run the supplies. As I remember it we upgraded the existing main floor walls to R-26, new 2nd floor walls were R-26 as well.
What would you call a separate second floor of a house (not an ...
2018年11月6日 · I don't feel it's accurate to describe B as living "on the second floor," as this implies the family could just walk down the stairs and be in A's living room, for example. It also feels inaccurate to say B lives in a second-floor flat or apartment, because it's all really one family house, just sectioned into individual living spaces.
Saving Sustainably: Framing the Second Floor
2018年8月27日 · Framing the second floor is not a whole lot different than framing the first. Whereas on the first floor, the sill plate was pressure-treated lumber, this isn’t necessary on the second. Also, the bottom plate was bolted to the concrete foundation on the first floor, but on the second the plate is simply nailed to the rim joists.