Is 6 mg of nicotine more or less then a cigarette
2013年6月18日 · When vaping, if you still feel like smoking, you need a stronger nic content, if you are getting headaches and feel sick to your stomach you are getting too much nicotine and you should vape less often and/or get a lower nic strength. 12mg is 12 mg of nicotine per ml of juice, or the nicotine is 1.2% of the total volume of the mixture. •••
Mixing different strengths of pre-made liquid with nicotine
2014年6月5日 · If you are mixing together juice with like nic amounts, the overall nic with stay the same. For equal amounts of 2 different nic levels, say 12mg and 6mg, it is 12+6/2=9mg. For unequal amounts of 2 different nic levels, there is an online juice calculator for permade juice, but I do not have a link handy. ETA: Patkin gave the link a few posts ...
6MG Sub ohm 0.2 @ 70w too much? | E-Cigarette Forum
2021年6月16日 · I Vape quite a lot (200-250 puffs a day) and probably somewhere around 15-20ml of juice a day (at 0.2 ohms @ 70w the juice burns pretty quick). As mentioned above I generally feel fine. However sometimes I do feel a bit out of breath and like my chest is heavy.
Is it normal to vape 10ml of 6mg nic ejuice per day?
2013年2月11日 · so i know my ato burns juice fast. @markfm i want to vape more.. i really love the smoke.. not really into nicotine. but i plan to slowly go to 0mg nic juice someday.. i've read here that 6mg of 10ml juice contains 60mg nic. So my nic level increased because i was a packed smoker a day. 1 pack contains 36mg only now i'm vaping 60mg.. so this is ...
Nicotine strength for sub-ohm vaping - E-Cigarette Forum
2020年5月3日 · There's no law that 6mg is the max for sub-ohm vaping. In general a lower nic is recommended because of the increased amount of vapor produced, but the right amount of nic is what's best to keep the cravings under control. I also use the prince TFV12 tank and vape at 10mg/ml @ 60/40 PG/VG.
what MG of nic do you vape and at what wattage? | E ... - E …
2015年10月26日 · Disposable Vapes Vape Juice Vape Kits Vape Pods ... 6mg at 18 watts 3.7 volts for my flavors or 40 joules ...
Can't find a way to dilute 6mg juice down to 3mg
2010年7月3日 · In case you're still interested, add 50% of the amount in the pg/vg ratio your original liquid is in. I.e. 1ml 35/65vg @ 6mg = .35ml pg + .65 ml VG to get 2ml 35/65vg @ 3mg strength. I use the juice me up calculator for both premixed & pure nicotine with no trouble.
FInding more the 6mg juice in stores? - E-Cigarette Forum
2018年12月23日 · I deal with them a bit peripherally because my local vape shop has locations in both Wisconsin and the twin cities. That store can make its local brands to any strength, but all of their other stuff tops out at 6mg. I consider 6mg to be medium strength for DL vaping. When I DL I vape 10-12, and when I mtl it’s often 18-25.
12mg Vs. 6mg (Nicotine & Flavor) - E-Cigarette Forum
2015年2月21日 · Yes it may be the VG. I vape high VG. I just got the zephrys with the 75 watt sigelei and it's still bland but if i vape something like a lemonade blueberry i get amazing flavor. Some juices are amazing and sweet and tasty especially with my temp control devices with the lemo 2. I test them all on that setup because it has such great flavor.
Looking for similar vape juice to Halo's Tribeca
2018年6月19日 · Hi I'm new to this been vaping about a year now and been stuck on Tribeca, 6mg & 12mg mixed down to about 9mg...but it's impossible to find in any shops and I live in LA, been vaping RY4 from Vape Delux which holds me over till I order more but not hating it just is a bit off compared to Tribeca..