  1. 130 Shades of Orange: Color Names, Hex, …

    • Dark orange is a hue in the orange family that is darker than basic orange, incorporating a more magenta undertone, and sometimes leaning a little towards brown. Dark Orange Hex #FF8C00 RGB 255, 140, 0 … 展开

    Vivid Orange

    Vivid orange refers to a vibrant, more saturated shade of orange that can be compared to the color of carrots. Vivid Orange Hex #FF5E0E RGB 255, 94, 14 CMYK 0, 63, 95, 0… 展开

    Color Meanings

    Orange-red is a shade of orange that incorporates a high percentage of red. This reddish orange hue … 展开

    Color Meanings

    Tomato refers to a warm, reddish orange hue in the orange family that is comparable to the color of a ripe tomato fruit. Tomato Hex #FF6347 RGB 255, 99, 71 CMYK 0, 61, 72, 0… 展开

    Color Meanings
    Metallic Orange

    Metallic orange, as the name suggests, has metallic tones in it. Metallic orange also has a gold-like sheen to the hue. Metallic Orange Hex #E26310 RGB 226, 99, 16 CMYK 0, 56, 93… 展开

    Color Meanings
  1. In a RGB color space, hex #ffa500 (also known as Orange) is composed of 100% red, 64.7% green and 0% blue.

    Generally, people consider the color orange a warm, vibrant shade that exudes positivity and happiness. There are hundreds of different orange colors to choose from, ranging from spring-like shades, such as coral, to autumnal shades, like vermilion. Here is a list of shades of orange with names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes.


    This interactive online color conversion tool allows you to calculate the transition between RGB and HEX values. Input one of the codes to convert it to the other one instantly. A successful conversion changes the background color of the page and generates CSS code snippets for quick use.


    A list of ORANGE color codes and shades of orange for HTML, CSS and website development with HEX and RGB codes.


    What are the different shades of orange color? There are a plethora of orange colors, but the most popular ones are pumpkin, burnt, Sienna, carrot, fire, Spanish, salmon, ocher, and safety. What is the prettiest shade of orange? While color preference is personal, burnt orange (#CC5500) is often used in interior and web designs.

    www.colorsexplained.com/shades-of-orange-color …
  2. HEX - RGB Color Converter

  3. Orange Color Codes

  4. 99 Shades of Orange Color with Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK

  5. 99 Shades of Orange with Names, Hex, …

    2022年12月16日 · Whether you’re looking for red orange shades, dark orange colors, or yellow orange hues, we’ve compiled a visual list of over 99 orange shades in this article. Different …

  6. Bright Orange Color Codes - The Hex, RGB …

    Bright Orange PMS, Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes. If you are looking for the specific color values of bright orange, you will find them on this page. These values can help you match the …

  7. Orange / #ffa500 hex color - ColorHexa

  8. 100+ Shades of Orange Color (Names, HEX, …

    2024年3月6日 · There are over 200 different shades and hues of orange, including pale orange, brown (a shade of orange), red-orange, pink-orange, amber and coral. What is pale orange? …

  9. 250 Shades of Orange Color With Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK Codes

  10. Orange RGB Color Code: #FFA500

    The hexadecimal RGB code of Orange color is #FFA500 and the decimal is rgb(255,165,0). The red-green-blue components are FF (255) red, A5 (165) green and 00 (0) blue.