American National Standards Institute - ANSI Home
The American National Standards Institute - ANSI - facilitates and corrdinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment system.
American National Standards ANS Introduction
An American National Standard (ANS) is a voluntary consensus standard that is developed in accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards and subject to ANSI’s neutral oversight and approval. These requirements are designed to ensure that development of American National Standards is ...
American National Standards Resources
The American National Standards section of ANSI's Resource Center provides easy access to every document, form, publication, policy, or other useful link or resource from the ANS section of the ANSI.org website.
ANSI Introduction - American National Standards Institute
ANSI's mission is to enhance the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity.
ANSI IN THE NEWs - American National Standards Institute
Access to the latest news from ANSI and its members on standards development and issues impacting industry and the standardization community.
ANSI Resource Center - American National Standards Institute
ANSI's Resource Center organizes every document, form, publication, subscription, organizational policy, and other useful link and resource from ansi.org, providing a comprehensive library of materials for the ANSI community to browse and access.
Building Standards - ANSI Webstore
The International Code Council standards provide a framework for building design, construction, and maintenance through its collection of sixteen building codes. Lastly, there is a focus on door standards published by BHMA due to their importance in safety and functionality.
ANSI Code of Conduct - American National Standards Institute
The ANSI Code of Conduct sets guidelines for fair and proper participation in ANSI activities, in adherence all duly established rules, regulations, and policies governing the ANSI voluntary consensus standards system.
ANSI Essential REQUIREMENTS - American National Standards …
The ANSI Essential Requirements govern the processes by which standards developers are accredited by ANSI and American National Standards are developed.
ANSI Frequently asked QUESTIONS - American National Standards …
The tabs below contain frequently asked questions on standards, conformance, and ANSI’s activities in the U.S. and international systems. Browse the collections of questions for quick answers, or click the links within to dig deeper into ANSI's work in …