Shelf life of Advantage II? | TheCatSite
2006年8月1日 · Advantage remains effective for a really long time. When it does change, it just loses its effectiveness slowly over time. Both of the batches you purchased should still be very effective because Advantage II was first released in March 2011 so any Advantage II you have is no older than that.
Shelf life of Advantage flea control? | TheCatSite
2002年4月18日 · Advantage Flea Control . Sep 5, 2015 #5 O. orangejunicat TCS Member. Kitten. Joined Sep 5, 2015 Messages 1
Does Advantage Go Bad? | TheCatSite
2004年12月6日 · I keep vials of Advantage II on a small shelf inside my refrigerator door. Since the medication is identical for dogs and cats, I buy the largest size and share with friends. I’ve used the same vials years after purchase with no adverse effects. (Except to the fleas!)
Splitting Advantage ii doses? | TheCatSite
2017年2月22日 · I buy the Extra Large Dog size, and each vial of that contains 4.0 ml. (That is 10 regular sized cat doses). It's important to make sure it is Advantage (plain) or Advantage II, because Advantage MULTI has another chemical in it that is not in the same proportion in the dog medicine as the cat medicine.
Why is my cat so afraid of flea treatment? | TheCatSite
2013年1月31日 · Yes, one of my cats tries to "run away" from the smell. But it subsides after about 24-48 hours. For some cats, it makes their skin itch. Please, please, please use a quality flea treatment like Advantage or Frontline. When I was younger (before I educated myself), I used a Hartz flea treatment on Boo and it landed him in the ER.
Worried About Advantage Flea Treatment! | TheCatSite
2019年1月31日 · I put Advantage flea prevention spot on treatment on my 8 month kittens about 2-3 hours ago. They have quite long and very thick fur but I separated it with a comb and thought I'd managed to get it all on their skin rather than fur. Inevitably it seeps onto the fur though. One of my cats wriggled a little though!
Losing fur after flea treatment | TheCatSite
2006年5月3日 · Yesterday morning I applied Advantage flea control for cats over 9 pounds to my cat. It was her first treatment of the year. However, in past years I've applied Advantage to her, but splitting a tube between her and my other cat, and she's always been fine. Now as she is over 9 pounds my vet recommended I apply one whole tube on her.
Advantage flea treatment: expiration date? | TheCatSite
2007年2月19日 · Advantage flea treatment: expiration date? Thread starter chowchow; Start Date Mar 22, 2010; Mar 22, 2010 ...
Which flea medicine actually works? | TheCatSite
2016年7月24日 · I've been using Advantage Multi on my 2 cats. It treats fleas, ear mites. round, hook, and heart worms. They do go outside and it's flea season. However, the medicine says it kills fleas on contact. Well, that's not happening as I use a flea comb and the fleas I get off are still alive. I comb them several times per day.
Licked flea medicine | TheCatSite
2018年10月7日 · Recently we discovered our cats have fleas. We bought flea medicine, the kind you squeeze onto the back of the cats’ necks. However, we ended up getting it more towards the side of one cat’s neck. I just saw her twist around and lick it once about ten minutes after application, while her fur was still wet.