ADA Website – ADA Website
Obtained several contracts for providing air/foam/aerated fluids and underbalanced drilling services in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Established the local subsidiary, Air Drilling Associates, LLC and opened a local office and yard.
Contact Form - airdrilling.com
Air Drilling Associates, Inc. Base Red Sea - Route d'El Borma, Hassi Messaoud, 30500 Algeria Tel +213(0) 29 74 50 65 Fax +213(0) 29 74 50 87 Mobile +971 567 425 587
Production Services
Air Drilling Associates has extensive experience in selecting those chemicals that provide the best performance, through extensive laboratory testing and field trials. The current range of chemicals includes the following: ADA DrillFoam : Foaming agent; ADA DrillFoam HS: Foaming agent for KCl mud systems
Drilling Services
The main advantages of Air Drilling are as follows: Increased penetration rates over other air assisted systems and drilling fluids, in many cases 2 - 5 times higher. This may improve even more by using air hammers.
Equipment Services - airdrilling.com
We bring experience and know-how in building and operating air packages for projects in the most remote and environmentally challenging areas of the world the freezing Canadian winters, the scorching deserts of northern Iraq or the humid jungle high- lands of Papua New Guinea.
Air Drilling Associates uses the latest Joy WB-12 booster design for all its booster compressors. These units boost the air from the compressors (or from the Membrane Nitrogen Generation Units, MNGU) to the output pressures required,
Foam Drilling Through Karst Limestone Section in Papua New …
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