Akshara is a 2021 Indian Telugu-language crime thriller film written and directed by B.Chinni Krishna, produced by Alluri Suresh Varma and Bellamkonda Ahiteja through Cinema Hall Entertainments. [2] The film has an ensemble cast of Nandita Swetha, Sritej, Shakalaka Shankar, Ajay Ghosh, Satya, and Madhunandan. [3]
Akshara is the story of a poor girl who is raised by her mother. A hardworking girl, she tops in the state in her 10th standard. She joins a top college but falls in the trap of the college chairman and is sent to jail.
Akshara Suri Babu (Shakalaka Shankar), Madhu (Madhunandan) and Saarangi (Satya) follow Akshara (Nandita Swetha) in the name of love but to their horror, they watch her kill a college board member and a policeman.
Suri Babu (Shakalaka Shankar), Madhu (Madhunandan) and Saarangi (Satya) follow Akshara (Nandita Swetha) in the name of love but to their horror, they watch her kill a college board member and a policeman.