  1. Abstract Data Types - GeeksforGeeks

    • The List ADT need to store the required data in the sequence and should have the following operations: 1. get(): Return an element from the list at any given position. 2. insert(): Insert an element at any position i… 展开

    Stack Adt

    In Stack ADT, the order of insertion and deletion should be according to the FILO or LIFO Principle. Elements are inserted and removed from the same end, called the top of the stack. It sh… 展开

    Queue Adt

    The Queue ADT follows a design similar to the Stack ADT, but the order of insertion and deletion … 展开

    Features of Adt

    Abstract data types (ADTs) are a way of encapsulating data and operations on that data into a single unit. Some of the key features of ADTs include: 1. Abstraction: The user does n… 展开


    Encapsulation: ADTs provide a way to encapsulate data and operations into a single unit, making it easier to manage and modify the data structure.
    Abstraction: ADT… 展开

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