What is the difference between an encyclical, an apostolic …
An apostolic constitution represents a very solemn pronouncement issued by the Pope on a doctrinal or disciplinary question. For example, Pope Paul VI’s apostolic constitution Missale …
What is the new Catechism? - Catholic Straight Answers
On October 11, 1992, Pope John Paul II officially promulgated the Catechism of the Catholic Church with his apostolic constitution Fidei Depositum. The idea of a catechism is not new. …
Why is the Mass structured the way it is? - Catholic Straight Answers
The Gloria is a hymn of praise. The opening verse is taken from the angels announcement to the shepherds of the birth of Our Lord (Luke 2:14). The Greek version appeared about the year …
How is a Pope elected? - Catholic Straight Answers
In more recent times, all of the Popes since Pope St. Pius X (except Pope John Paul I) have refined the election process, in particular Pope Paul VI in the apostolic constitution Romano …
Were all saints canonized, even St. Joseph & Mary?
Beginning with Pope Urban VIII in 1634, various popes have revised and improved the norms and procedures for canonization, even in the last century — Pope Pius XI, Pope Paul VI, and most …
What is the Synod of Bishops? - Catholic Straight Answers
The Holy Father, thereupon, established a special commission of cardinals and bishops in 1986, and he promulgated the new catechism Oct.11, 1992 with the Apostolic Constitution, “Fidei …
Do Popes still wear the Papal Crown? - Catholic Straight Answers
To this day, a papal tiara may still be used. Pope Paul VI, the last Pope to use a papal tiara, issued his apostolic constitution Romano Pontifici Eligendo (1975) which updated the …
Should we fast before receiving Holy Communion?
Pope Paul VI exhorted the faithful in his apostolic constitution Paenitemini, “Mortification aims at the ‘liberation’ of man, who often finds himself, because of concupiscence, almost chained by …
Apostolic Constitution and the New Testament Codex Alexandrinus (5th century) which contain the gloria almost exactly in its present wording. In the Middle Ages, it was used as a solemn …
What are Anointing of the Sick and Extreme Unction?
In 1972, Pope Paul VI released his Apostolic Constitution Sacram Unctionem infirmorum which prescribed that a priest first lay his hands on the head of the sick person in silence, and then …