About mov in assembly - Stack Overflow
2010年9月16日 · Assembly instruction mov. 4. Is the "MOV" instruction in Assembly to allocate memory? 1. Assembly MOVS ...
mov instruction in x86 assembly - Stack Overflow
This is a source of considerable confusion for people new to x86 assembly. In Intel Syntax, your instruction would be written: mov edx, [ebp + 8] Note the absence of % before the register names, and the use of square brackets instead of parentheses for the address, and the lack of an l suffix on the instruction. These are dead giveaways to know ...
assembly "mov" instruction - Stack Overflow
2014年7月15日 · Assembly instruction mov register,[register][register] 0. Assembly instruction mov. 1. Assembly MOVS ...
x86 - Assembly instruction mov - Stack Overflow
2012年11月11日 · The entire address needs to be within the segment limit - usually 64k - but mov eax, [eax + ecx * 4] is valid code. Nasm (or other "competent" assembler) will generate the required "operand size override prefix" and "address size override prefix" (0x66 and 0x67).
assembly - mov instructions & registers - Stack Overflow
2010年11月4日 · I am reading "Computer Systems: A Programmer Perspective", chapter 3 explains mov instruction, and explanation give in a book confuses me. give a function (page 142 1's edition) int exchange( int *xp, int y) { int x = *xp; *xp …
assembly - What is the difference between MOV and LEA ... - Stack …
Another form of the MOV instruction is MOV reg,immdata which means read the immediate data (i.e. constant) immdata into register reg. Note that if the addr in LEA reg,addr is just a constant (i.e. a fixed offset) then that LEA instruction is essentially exactly the same as an equivalent MOV reg,immdata instruction that loads the same constant ...
assembly - How can I use MOV in asm? - Stack Overflow
2021年10月3日 · mov eax, a is 5 bytes of machine code, so achieves the same result more efficiently than lea rax, [rel a] (7 bytes). I only mentioned it as an example of when it does still make sense to use mov with an absolute address as an immediate in x86-64, since that's what that instruction is already doing (with a 64-bit immediate) if assembled by NASM ...
assembly - Understanding x86 MOV Syntax - Stack Overflow
2014年12月3日 · 8A - instruction opcode for MOV r8, r/m8 - determines the operand sizes 14 - the Mod R/M byte: | 00010100b Mod | 00 R/M | 100 Reg | 010 Mod R/M combination 00-100 is specified as "followed by the SIB byte". Reg 010 stands for …
assembly - MOV src, dest (or) MOV dest, src? - Stack Overflow
MOV is probably the first instruction everyone learns while learning ASM. Just now I encountered a book Assembly Language Programming in GNU/Linux for IA32 Architectures By Rajat Moona which says: (broken link removed) But I learnt that it is MOV dest, src. Its like "Load dest with src". Even Wiki says the same. I'm not saying that the author ...
assembly - Chosing suffix (l-b-w) for mov instruction - Stack …
I am new to assembly.I am reading computers system programmer's perspective. I don't understand how I choose suffix for mov instruction. I know each register and bit count. Suffix usage is determined by bit count (32 bit l, 16 bit w, 8 bit b). Few example is …