Chemistry (BA, BS) | CoAS | Drexel University
The chemistry BS program provides a complete introduction to the many subfields of chemistry, along with significant hands-on laboratory research experience. All students are required to earn at least 9 credits of undergraduate research experience prior to graduation.
University of Washington - BA in Chemistry
Chemistry involves the understanding of the structure and reactivity of matter from atomic- and molecular-level perspectives. Degrees in Chemistry involve training in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
Chemistry (BA) - North Carolina State University
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Chemistry is built around the core sub-disciplines of chemistry with the addition of elective coursework in a chosen field. This program is designed to train you for a career outside of traditional laboratory work.
Chemistry BA - East Carolina University
ECU's chemistry BA degree is a flexible scientific degree that allows the student to pursue other collegiate interests while providing a solid foundation in chemistry. Compared to the BS majors, a BA chemistry student will be required to take less rigorous calculus and physics classes to fulfill their core curriculum.
Chemistry Major, B.A. - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
All chemists have a common core of knowledge, learned through a highly structured sequence of undergraduate courses in which the content is divided into the classical subdisciplines. The B.A. degree provides students with a rigorous foundation in chemistry. earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the major core requirements.
Chemistry - BA < Texas A&M Catalogs - Texas A&M University
The Bachelor of Arts program, through the availability of a generous number of electives, gives the student a firm and broadly-based foundation in chemistry, with the option of pursuing other educational objectives involving specialization in at least one other field in depth.
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry — BA - ASU Online
Learn what you can accomplish with a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry. You’ll gain a breadth of chemistry knowledge by taking organic, inorganic and analytical chemistry courses, as well as in-person organic chemistry and analytical chemistry labs.
B.A. Chemistry | College of Chemistry - University of California, …
To graduate with a B.A. degree in Chemistry, students must be in the College of Letters and Science and must have satisfied general University requirements, the American Cultures requirement, and College of Letters and Science requirements in addition to the following major requirements: Chemistry.
BA Chemistry (CHMA) - Auburn University
BA Chemistry (CHMA) This curriculum provides a strong background in chemistry while allowing students to specialize in areas of interest. It is especially well suited for students leaning towards medical sciences while allowing more flexibility than that allowed in the American Chemical Society approved biochemistry curriculum.
Chemistry—BA - Michigan Tech
Our Bachelor's of Arts in Chemistry is a traditional liberal arts degree that provides you with a foundation in the chemical sciences and basic lab skills. The degree gives you the flexibility to pursue a minor and enroll in courses matching your career interests.