Comparative study on EOR and deep level defects in preamorphised …
2008年8月1日 · The aim of this work is to study the formation and stability of EOR defects, as well as of electrically active deep levels into bulk silicon, introduced by different ion implantation steps and their influence on the p + n junction leakage current. More specifically, the thermal evolution of EOR defects at the low temperatures of 600 °C and 700 °C, in …
[PDF] Enhanced dopant activation and elimination of end-of-range ...
2001年12月3日 · Enhanced dopant activation and elimination of end-of-range (EOR) defects in BF2+-implanted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) have been achieved by high-density current stressing. With the high-density current stressing, the implantation amorphous silicon underwent recrystallization, enhanced dopant activation and elimination of the (EOR) defects. The current stressing method allows the complete ...
Electrically active defects in BF2+ implanted and germanium ...
1998年2月1日 · The evolution of EOR defects and deep level traps, upon annealing and their effect on the junction leakage currents have been studied for low (10 keV) and high (70 keV) energy Ge-preamorphised (PAI) n-type silicon samples, that were boron implanted in several ways: B-ions, BF 2 +-ion and B + –F + co-implantation, in order to fabricate ultra shallow p …
Enhanced dopant activation and elimination of end-of-range
Enhanced dopant activation and elimination of end-of-range (EOR) defects in BF2+-implanted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) have been achieved by high-density current stressing. With the high-density current stressing, the implantation amorphous silicon underwent recrystallization, enhanced dopant activation and elimination of the (EOR) defects. The current stressing method allows the complete ...
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2001年12月10日 · Enhanced dopant activation and elimination of end-of-range (EOR) defects in BF 2 +-implanted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) have been achieved by high-density current stressing.With the high-density current stressing, the implantation amorphous silicon underwent recrystallization, enhanced dopant activation and elimination of the (EOR) defects.
Enhanced dopant activation and elimination of end-of-range …
2001年12月10日 · Enhanced dopant activation and elimination of end-of-range (EOR) defects in BF2+-implanted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) have been achieved by high-density current stressing. With the high-density ...
2019年6月2日 · the surface region and end-of-range (EOR) dislocation loops are formed at the original amorphous/crystalline (A/C) interface after recrystallization.4) Bþ implantation does not amorphize silicon near the surface region but creates dislocations around the projected ion ranges.5) These dislocations can be sinks or sources of excess interstitials.6)
Modeling of the transient enhanced diffusion of boron implanted …
2001年3月22日 · We have simulated transient enhanced diffusion (TED) in the presence of end-of-range (EOR) defects produced by Ge amorphization followed by BF 2 + implantation. Ostwald ripening of EOR defects has been taken into account. A comparison of annealed profiles with equivalent B + implantation shows that the existing models are not sufficient to simulate the BF 2 + experimental profiles where the ...
Comparative study on EOR and deep level defects in
2008年8月1日 · In the case of 70 keV Ge energy, the high leakage currents in the B+, BF2+ and B+–F+ implanted samples are very similar, due to similar evolution of EOR and deep level defects upon low ...
Simulation of Boron Diffusion in High-Dose BF2 Implanted Silicon
2000年4月1日 · We have simulated the transient enhanced diffusion (TED) of boron (B) after amorphizing BF2 ion implantation in silicon. A unified simulation is done based on the models for B diffusion, for TED by self-interstitial clusters, for B clustering and B precipitation, and for end-of-range (EOR) defects. The simulation overestimates the diffusion using the normal values for the efficiency of EOR ...