9:49 Baker City OSP MISCELLANEOUS OSP - Baker Dispatch received information for Oregon State Police. 19367 L202417683 12/14/2024 11:04 Old Hwy 30 OTHER Road Hazard Other Dispatch received information for the Baker County Road Department. 19368 L202417684 12/14/2024 12:07 Main & Broadway Street Sgt. Rand Weaver
17:22 Baker County SO INFORMATION ONLY All Units Dispatch received information for the Baker County Sheriff's Office and the Baker City Police Department. 16431 L202414999 10/17/2024 17:27 215 W Dawson St SO Animal BCSO Dispatch received information for the Baker County Sheriff's Office. The information was given to the Oregon State Police.
Dispatch received information for the Oregon State Police. 18483 L202316752 12/1/2023 0:56 Baker County SO INFORMATION ONLY BCSO Dispatch received information for the Baker County Sheriff's Office and the Baker City Police Department. 18484 L202316753 12/1/2023 1:47 3030 A St Station 24- 2431 FIRE FIRE Dispatch received a report of a fire.
Officer Loomis arrested the following on an out of county warrant for Assault on a Federal Employee While Using a Dangerous Weapon: Kahn, Randy Warren DOB 01/09/1976
Contact Information: Reach us by phone at: (541) 523-8203 Fax us at: (541) 523-8352 Email your questions or Comments to us at: [email protected] Mail your inquiries to: Baker County Assessors 1995 Third, Suite #130
2024年3月20日 · working land conservation and restore sage-grouse habitat and populations in Baker County. This position facilitates the Baker Sage-Grouse Local Implementation Team (LIT) and Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) …
Contact your local employment department to submit an application. The Baker County branch office is located at: Work Source Oregon 1575 Dewey Avenue Baker City, OR 97814 Phone: (541) 684-2630
Deputy Lefever arrested the following subject on a Baker County Circuit Court Warrant for Failure to Appear: Aldrich, Mariah Diane DOB:10/28/1991 Baker City, OR