How to view the `.bash_history` file via command line?
2013年10月14日 · If you actually need the output of the .bash_history file, replace history with cat ~/.bash_history in all of the commands below. If you actually want the commands without numbers in front, use this command instead of history: history | cut -d' ' -f 4- otherwise, there will be no difference (except if you're using a different shell).
Where is bash's history stored? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2014年7月18日 · If you are checking .bash_history because you just want delete a specific command (e.g. containing a password in clear), you can directly delete the entry in memory by history -d <entry_id>. For example, supposing an output like: $ history 926 ll 927 cd .. 928 export --password=super_secret 929 ll
Is it possible to make writing to .bash_history immediate?
I have a large history file with about 100000 entries, and the variants that clear the history list and read the whole history file (using history -c and history -r) introduce a noticeable (maybe 0.2 second) delay before the prompt is displayed.
bash - How to get last N commands from history? - Unix & Linux …
2015年6月29日 · When you apply history it will show last history command as well. To prevent that space waster such alias could be handy: alias hs=' history 16 | head -n 15' (the command itself history 16 | head -n 15) Another useful history alias: alias hsg=' history | grep ' (when ctr+R is too small to choose from)
bash - How do I clear the terminal History? - Unix & Linux Stack …
2015年5月14日 · That's enough (but overkill) if you've just typed your password and haven't exited that shell or saved its history explicitly. When you exit bash, the history is saved to the history file, which by default is .bash_history in your home directory. More precisely, the history created during the current session is appended to the file; entries ...
bash - How can I recall a numbered history command for edit?
I frequently search for changes with history | grep 'string' I get a list of commands in my history, along with the history line number), e.g. history | grep 'git' 755 git status 1535 git push origin master 1570 git merge origin/one-146 1667 git reset --hard origin/master
bash - How to get the command line history of another user?
2020年2月6日 · Because the internal format that Bash stores command line history in .bash_history is to just add the epoch time, I need to be able to execute "history" on each individual user. I have tried (separately) the following from the command line, as well as in scripts:
bash - Is there any way to execute commands from history? - Unix ...
2016年10月5日 · A nice one, if you don't want to first history, note the number, etc: in bash (and maybe others): ctrl-r something (ctrl-r = "reverse search interactively") (something = a part of a previous command) This will show you the latest history line containing something. To get the one before, do ctrl-r (alone) again, each time it gets a previous line ...
How to clear bash history completely? - Ask Ubuntu
2018年4月14日 · The file ~/.bash_history holds the history. To clear the bash history completely on the server, open terminal and type. cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history Other alternate way is to link ~/.bash_history to /dev/null. However, One annoying side-effect is that the history entries has a copy in the memory and it will flush back to the file when you ...
How to avoid duplicate entries in .bash_history - Ask Ubuntu
2012年10月5日 · From the bash man page: HISTCONTROL. A colon-separated list of values controlling how commands are saved on the history list. If the list of values includes ignorespace, lines which begin with a space character are not saved in the history list.