Microsoft Advertising Help Center
With Microsoft Advertising, you can create ads to reach the right audience and meet your business goals. Need help? Who doesn't from time to time. Our videos, real-world examples, and how-to articles are here when you need them.
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Microsoft Advertising Help Center
With Microsoft Advertising, you can create ads to reach the right audience and meet your business goals. Need help? Who doesn't from time to time. Our videos, real-world examples, and how-to articles are here when you need them.
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Explore the Microsoft Advertising Help Center, watch our video tutorials, or contact Support.
What's new in Microsoft Advertising Editor?
Check out the new and enhanced features in Microsoft Advertising Editor designed to help you connect with your target customers, boost campaign performance, and improve your ROI.
Guida di Microsoft Advertising - help.bingads.microsoft.com
Uhm... Nessun elemento corrisponde alla ricerca. Controllare l'ortografia e provare a effettuare un'altra ricerca. Non riesci ancora a trovare ciò che ti serve?
Where can I find information about the Bing Ads API?
For information about getting started developing in the sandbox and production environments, see the Bing Ads API on Getting Started with the Bing Ads API and Sandbox. Have questions? A great way to get answers is to visit the API forum .
Introducción a Microsoft Advertising - help.bingads.microsoft.com
Con Microsoft Advertising, puedes mostrar anuncios a decenas de millones de personas a las que no tienes acceso solo con Google Ads. Además, el público de Red de búsqueda de Microsoft también gasta más dinero en línea.
Where can I find information about the Bing Ads API?
Learn about resources for the Bing Ads API. For information about available services with the Microsoft Advertising application programming interface (API), see our Bing Ads API Overview doc. For information about getting started developing in the sandbox and production environments, see the Bing Ads API docs on Getting Started with the Bing ...