约 534,000 个结果
  1. What are Quizzes? - Instructure Community - 68

  2. Quizzes Overview (Instructors) - Instructure Community - 383786

  3. What options can I set in a quiz? - Instructure Community - 683

  4. How do I create a quiz using New Quizzes? - Instructure Community

  5. How do I create a quiz with individual questions? - Instructure ...

  6. What is New Quizzes? - Instructure Community - 17

  7. Quizzes Overview (Students) - Instructure Community - 383506

  8. New Quizzes Overview (Instructors) - Instructure Community

  9. Using ChatGPT to Create Canvas Quizzes with Direct Feedback

  10. FAQ: New Quizzes - Instructure Community - 243540