Cargo Door Lock - C-130 Technical - The internet's #1 C-130 …
2010年5月4日 · Hello, I was a crew dog on a C-130 for 15 years...anyways, we're having a debate at work about the cargo door (I'm a C-17 crew dog now). Some of the fella's i work with think the C-130 cargo door is only locked in the closed position with pressurization. I worked on 130s that had a snubber infron...
Cargo door - C-130 Technical - The internet's #1 C-130 resource
2010年12月17日 · In the event the cargo door is released from the uplock by the cargo door uplock release, the door should be allowed to free fall closed and the auxiliary system hand pump used to close and lock the door. Ref. FM 382C-14E (H model) under “Normal Operation of Cargo Door and Ramp” section 2 page 175.
Cargo Door Lock - Page 2 - The internet's #1 C-130 resource
2010年5月4日 · Cargo Door Lock Cargo Door Lock. By arcticblades, May 4, 2010 in C-130 Technical. Share More sharing ...
operating cargo door - C-130 Technical - The internet's #1 C-130 …
2010年2月21日 · position until door is full open and in the uplock. To close the cargo door (On (E model aircraft prior to AF 72-1288) hold the door switch to OPEN position and while holding switch pull the manual door release handle until the uplock is released,release the toggle switch to NEUTRAL and door will close, release manual release handle.
Cargo Ramp Rigging - The internet's #1 C-130 resource
2014年1月23日 · On the cargo door, look at the cargo #2 L & R saddles. Check for deep divots or wear. These are the only saddles that should have zero (0) gap. Saddles 4,6,8 & 10 should have a gap, check the JG for the proper clearance. One telltale sign of excessive wear on the #2 cargo door saddle(s) is wear or divot on the cargo door lock saddle.
Cargo Door and TroopDoor Ladder - C-130 Technical - C-130 …
2013年12月19日 · Per the -5, and -9, with 10 seat belts (no limit on number stowed, 1.5lb/piece), y-cables at 3lb (no published weight), the ramp and door guard assembly at 5lb (no published weight) and TPRS at 10lb (no published weight), I read right around 335lb total.
C-130A forward cargo doors - C-130 Historical - C-130 …
2009年11月22日 · LC-130F 148319 with the forward cargo door open on the ramp in Christchurch, NZ in the early 60's. The three Navy LC-130F's still have the structure, hydraulic lines, pump, reservoir, actuators and locks. At some point in time a couple of the aircraft were re-skinned, you can no longer see the forward door from the outside.
Cargo Door and TroopDoor Ladder - Page 2 - C-130 Technical - C …
2013年12月19日 · Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only
NathanBlackburn's Content - C-130 Hercules.net -- The internet's …
Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only
C-130A forward cargo doors - Page 2 - C-130 Historical - C-130 …
2009年11月22日 · Fritz is right, the first 16 E models all 1961. The Marine Herk with the open cargo door was a KC-130F which was a version of the B and they all had forward cargo doors.