Flooring systems from locally grown Casuarina wood: …
2018年6月1日 · The main objective of this research is to develop a wood flooring system from locally grown wood (Casuarina Glauca) to be used as an alternative to the imported woods used for flooring systems in the Egyptian market by identifying the various types and classifications of wood flooring systems in Egypt and world-wide.
Casuarina glauca (scaly oak (Australia)) - CABI Digital Library
2019年11月22日 · This datasheet on Casuarina glauca covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Management, Genetics and …
Casuarina glauca
Family Casuarinaceae. Native to Australia. Wood used for fuel, posts, sawn or hewn building timber, flooring, exterior fittings, fences, woodware, tool handles, turnery, wood based material, particleboard. Prolific root sprouts. Weed Risk Assessment Score: 20 (HIGH RISK) NOT RECOMMENDED for introduction to new areas in Hawaii.
A Parametric Study for Eco-friendly Cost-effective Two-Story
2024年9月3日 · For all the natural-based alternatives, the floor decking was made of Casuarina Glauca; however, ten of the designs involved Casuarina Glauca beams receiving the loads from the decking while another ten involved using Casuarina Glauca trusses instead of the beams.
Casuarina glauca is a medium-sized tree 8-20 m high, often with buttressed and fluted stem; rarely a shrub to about 2 m that frequently regenerates through vigorous root suckers.
Design and Characteristics of a Hybrid Wood-Soil System Made from
2023年2月15日 · Casuarina glauca wood has been farmed on wastewater for years, making it eco-friendly and cost effective, in addition to being of relatively high strength when compared to soft woods. Hence, within this research, Casuarina …
粗枝木麻黄 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
粗枝木麻黄(学名: Casuarina glauca )是木麻黄科 木麻黄属的植物。 分布于 台湾岛 、 澳大利亚 以及 中国大陆 的 福建 、 广东 等地,多生于海岸沼泽地至内陆地区,目前已由人工引种栽培。
Casuarina glauca - Useful Tropical Plants - The Ferns
Casuarina glauca is a moderately fast-growing, evergreen tree that can reach a height of around 18 metres with a bole up to 60cm in diameter
Casuarina glauca - Wikipedia
Casuarina glauca is a dioecious tree that typically grows to a height of 8–20 m (26–66 ft), sometimes to 35 m (115 ft), rarely a shrub to about 2 m (6 ft 7 in), and that often forms root suckers. The bark is greyish brown, fissured and scaly.
粗枝木麻黄 - 百度百科
粗枝木麻黄(学名:Casuarina glauca Sieber ex Spreng.)是木麻黄科木麻黄属植物,常绿乔木。 高可达30米,大树树干通直,直径达70厘米;树冠狭长圆锥形;枝红褐色,有密集的节;鳞片状叶每轮通常7枚,少为6或8枚,披针形或三角形,棒状圆柱形,有覆瓦状排列、被白色柔毛的苞片;小苞片具缘毛;花药两端深凹入;球果状果序椭圆形,小苞片变木质,阔卵形,小坚果连翅,4-5月开花,7-10月结果。 [1] 原产于澳大利亚,中国广东、福建、台湾有栽培。 生长于海岸沼 …