Chern-Simons theory is a quantum gauge theory involving a rather subtle action principle. It leads to quantum eld theory in which many, many, natural questions can be explicitly answered.
These lectures contain an introduction to various aspects of Chern-Simons gauge theory: (i) basics of planar field theory, (ii) canonical quantization of Chern-Simons theory, (iii) Chern …
In this section, we take a step back and describe the quantum Hall e↵ect on a more coarse-grained level. Our goal is to construct e↵ective field theories which capture the response of the …
Their dependence on θ leads to secondary geometric invariants, called Chern-Simons forms. We remark that Chern and Simons were motivated by concrete geometric questions in …
Chern-Simons theory is a quantum field theory in the sweet spot of being very computable and highly non-trivial. It was first studied by mathematicians in the 1970s, and then later by …
In this pedagogical review, we introduce and study a three-dimensional topological eld theory called Chern{Simons theory. We begin with the phenomenology of the U(1) action: we discuss …
Chern-Simons theory was introduced into physics over ten years ago as a possible cure for the infra-red problem of high-temperature gauge theory [1]. During the sub-sequent years, it has …
1999年2月16日 · These lectures contain an introduction to various aspects of Chern-Simons gauge theory: (i) basics of planar field theory, (ii) canonical quantization of Chern-Simons …
The words “Chern–Simons theory” (after Shiing-shen Chern and James Simons who have their names attached to the Chern-Simons elements and Chern-Simons forms and Chern-Simons …
Topological electrodynamics (Chern-Simons charged particle system) is a theory describing an interaction of a U(1) gauge eld A(x; t), a vector-valued function on the three-dimensional …