La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) es el organismo que promueve y preserva el buen funcionamiento de todos los mercados, en interés de los consumidores y … Page 6 of 17 Executive summary and recommendations The aim of this report is to analyse the overall functioning of the electricity retail market in Spain, using a number of …
The creation of Spain's National Authority on Markets and Competition (CNMC) is an innovative reflection of a clear trend in some European countries consistent with merging supervisory …
October 2022, the CNMC initiated disciplinary proceedings (press release), whose investigation has established that committed the following anti-competitive practices: Abuse of …
Publication of this guide demonstrates the CNMC's commitment to promoting compliance programmes in order to disseminate a culture of competition in Spain in the public interest.
La CNMC puede detectar de oficio de prácticas anticompetivias gracias a su Unidad de inteligencia economica (UIE) aplicando la estadistica y la Inteligencia artificial.
La CNMC promueve y defiende el buen funcionamiento de todos los mercados en interés de los consumidores y de las empresas. Agenda CNMC Consulta las ofertas de empleo