君度 - 百度百科
君度是一种晶莹剔透的立娇酒,由来自世界各地的甜味、苦味橙皮混合制成。 在1875年,其主要配方由公司创始人的儿子爱德华·君度(Edouard Cointreau)发明,并由此作为一个秘方保留下来,不断传给君度家族优秀的后代。
君度 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
君度激醇配制酒 力娇酒 COINTREAU EXTREME 法国原装进口洋酒 …
Cointreau Liqueur - Total Wine & More
Cointreau Orange Liqueur Triple Sec - 750ml Bottle - Target
Cointreau l'Unique | Cointreau US
Cointreau is no stranger to the unexpected and its deep amber bottle conceals a visual surprise: a perfectly transparent liqueur. When mixed, the crystalline liqueur becomes opalescent, a physical testament to the high concentration of orange …
君度(Cointreau) - 京东
Cointreau l'unique
Cointreau is no stranger to the unexpected and its deep amber bottle conceals a visual surprise: a perfectly transparent liqueur. When mixed, the crystalline liqueur becomes opalescent, a physical testament to the high concentration of orange …