Conversion - Convault
If you did not find your tank on this list, please contact your Local Distributor, or ConVault, Inc. at (800) 222-7099. Please have available the Model number and 4-Letter Manufacturer Code, or the Serial Number from the UL Label that is affixed on the tank.
Tank Sizes - Convault
These are representative sizes and dimensions only. Most units are also available as split units in several multi-compartment configurations. Unit weight will vary from plant to plant. Also, some plants have additional size and dimension options that are not listed here.
SingleChartMain - Convault
INCH TO GALLON CONVERSION CHARTS FOR SINGLE TANK RECTANGULAR CONVAULTS. The charts on this page apply to one-product rectangular tanks manufactured by Convault Licensees in the US. Some sizes have multiple models.
This chart is based on dimensions used by Core ES. When using this chart please take into consideration that fuel volume will change approximately .5% for every 10 degrees F change in fuel temperature.
This chart is based on dimensions used by Core ES. When using this chart please take into consideration that fuel volume will change approximately .5% for every 10 degrees F change in fuel temperature.
Dual E Chart - Convault
INCH TO GALLON CONVERSION CHARTS FOR DUAL "E" END-TO-END RECTANGULAR CONVAULTS. The charts on this page apply to Two-product "E-Split" rectangular tanks manufactured by Convault Licensees in the US. Some sizes have multiple models.
CONVAULT INCHES-TO-GALLONS CONVERSION CHART … 4109 E. Zeering Rd. Denair, CA 95316. c 800-222-7099, 209-632-7571, Fax 209-632-4711. , This CHART is based on dimensions used by CONVAULT, Inc., Denair, California. When using these charts please take into consideration that fuel volume will change approximately .5% for every 10 degrees F change ...
This chart is based on dimensions used by Core Engineered Solutions, Inc.. When using these charts please take into consideration that fuel volume will change approximately .5% for every 10 degrees F change in fuel temperature.
Put the storage tank of choice to work for you - ConVault. At last there is an environmentally safe and practi-cal alternative for storing petroleum-based products: ConVault’s complete aboveground vaulted tank and fueling system. Constructed of steel and housed in an attractive concrete vault, the double containment tank Fuel Tanks
This chart is based on dimensions used by Core ES. When using this chart please take into consideration that fuel volume will change approximately .5% for every 10 degrees F change in fuel temperature.