DIY DC UPS for router - Page 1 - EEVblog
2022年5月20日 · DIY DC UPS for router « on: May 20, 2022, 07:19:06 pm » I've been trying to design an uninterruptable power supply for a router that is supplied by a 12V dc power brick.
no text - Page 1 - EEVblog
2012年10月19日 · Re: Raspberry Pi server with diy UPS « Reply #22 on: March 04, 2015, 04:02:57 am » Hi Daniel; I see that this thread is a little dated but your circuit is very nice and I'm interested in a backup for my RPI Sprinkler Controller.
diy 12V ups questions - Page 1 - EEVblog
2021年10月20日 · Re: diy 12V ups questions « Reply #5 on: October 25, 2021, 04:15:36 pm » I've had a stupid charger/powersupply adjusted to 13 V connected to a small 12V lead battery for 6 years now, driving router, wifi access point, network switch, modem and a raspberry pi (using a 12V to 5V DC converter) for 6 years.
DIY Isolation Transformer Project - Back to Back Method - Page 1
2020年8月5日 · Yeah, power the DUT from the UPS, just disconnect the internal ground going to the output socket to make it fully isolated. In my case I installed a 24V 20A switching power supply inside the UPS. I got it for free, as well as the UPS. They were both headed for the scrapyard. It supplies fairly well regulated voltage for the UPS to use.
Recommendations to convert SLA battery to multiple voltages
2024年6月20日 · What I have now is an "DIY" UPS I have put together with external batteries, an RV charger/converter, and an inverter. This thread is about me trying to get rid of the inverter. I chose SLA instead of LiFePO4 because they're lower cost and a better fit for this exact use case. They're heavier, but they'll sit on a shelf their entire life.
Advice on designing my own MCU controlled DC-DC battery …
2024年1月13日 · The immediate use case for this is to replace an RV-style converter charger I have as part of a cobbled together DIY UPS. It's a double conversion architecture, so the converter-charger (and my new device), will first charge the batteries and then deliver stay at a "float" charge while delivering up to 20A at 24VDC that floats the battery bank ...
BMS boards overcharge protection - Page 1 - EEVblog
2020年3月27日 · Hi I am using a 3s BMS board for my battery pack to make it use as a DIY UPS from my modem. So I need to plug in the charger adapter to the battery pack and battery pack output is connected to modem always.
cheap Arduino based programmable logic controller - Page 1
2020年3月25日 · Just want to spread the word: We released another Arduino based PLC DIY kit, with 8 inputs and 10 outputs, analog/digital, with RTC on board, powered by an Arduino NANO V3. The module size is 100 x 80 mm, and it requires 12V DC power supply and a CR2032 backup battery for the RTC.
Good ideas for DIY Generator load bank OR how to feed 25kw
2022年1月17日 · One option is getting a bunch of kanthal/nichrome heater wire (People use it to make DIY kilns), string it back and forth between two insulating rods to make a large heating element and use a large fan to push lots of air trough it. Basically a electric space heater but scaled up x10. This is mostly how real load banks work.
On-Line Double Conversion UPS project - Page 1 - EEVblog
2018年2月26日 · And a 2 kVA output UPS at 70% efficiency is dumping 850 watts of heat out all day long if it's at full load. On voltage: 48V is the absolute minimum. I had a 5 kVA UPS that ran 240V DC (20x 12V 7Ah batteries), with a big-ass boost converter.