Fortify your existing antenna or build your own with high-quality brackets, clamps, tubing and supports from DX Engineering. Shop here for HAM radio antennas, antenna systems, and …
DX Commander CLASSIC HF Multi-Band Vertical Antennas are an excellent choice for DX performance and general operations. Efficiently resonant on every HF band of operation, …
Our extensive inventory includes RF amplifiers, transceivers, coaxial cables, connectors, antennas, and aerial parts, with a focus on top-of-the-line, high-specification items tailored to …
GAP The Beginning and End For All Your Contacts! No Tuner Required! I have been using a Gap “Titan” antenna for several years now. I find it’s low angle of radiation and very low SWR’s on …
HybridDX ™ antenna. 160-6m capabilities of a traditional 135-foot dipole in just 79 feet. PLUS *instantly customizable* antenna patterns! PLUS up to 9x extreme weather durability. Antenna …
DX-A - 160-80-40 Meter 1/4-wave Twin Sloper - A top low frequency DX antenna. Combines the tremendous DX firepower of the 1/4-wave sloper with the wide bandwidth of the 1/2-wave …