Onward is a 2020 American animated urban fantasy adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by Dan Scanlon , produced by Kori …
2020年3月6日 · In Disney and Pixar’s ONWARD, two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot (voices of Tom Holland and Chris Pratt), get an unexpected opportunity to spend one …
Onward: Directed by Dan Scanlon. With Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Octavia Spencer. Teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley embark on a magical quest to spend one more …
Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” introduces two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left out there.
Onward is a 2020 American computer-animated urban fantasy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. The film is directed by Dan Scanlon, produced by Kori Rae …
Teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley embark on a magical quest to spend one more day with their late father. Like any good adventure, their journey is filled...
Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” introduces two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic...
In Disney and Pixar’s Onward, two teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot (voices of Tom Holland and Chris Pratt) get an unexpected opportunity to spend one more day with their late …
2020年3月5日 · In Disney and Pixar’s ONWARD, two teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot (voices of Tom Holland and Chris Pratt) get an unexpected opportunity to spend one …