Du'a al-Qunut in Witr Prayer - Islam Question & Answer
2004年5月14日 · Du’a al-Qunut is recited in the last rak’ah of Witr prayer, after bowing. The formula of Du’a al-qunut was narrated by Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi, and al-Nasai.
The du‘aa’ (supplication) that the Sahaabah used to recite in …
2022年12月4日 · Praise be to Allah. Firstly: There are a number of hadiths which speak of Qunut in Witr, the most famous of which is that which was narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (1718), Abu Dawood in his Sunan (1425), at-Tirmidhi in his Sunan (464), an-Nasaa’i in his Sunan (1745) and Ibn Maajah in his Sunan (1178) from al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with …
What Is Qunut? - Islam Question & Answer
2002年4月13日 · Qunut is the name of a du’a (supplication) offered during prayer at a specific point while standing. Qunut is recommended in witr prayer and when a calamity befalls Muslims. For more, see the detailed answer.
Was du‘aa’ al-qunoot part of the Quran then abrogated from the …
2014年7月25日 · It was narrated soundly from Tawoos that he heard Ibn ‘Abbaas say: ‘Umar said Qunoot, reciting these two soorahs, before the rak‘ah. Narrated by ‘Abd ar-Razzaaq (3/114) and at-Tabari in Tahdheeb al-Athaar – Musnad of Ibn ‘Abbaas (1/319)
How Long Should Qunut Be? - Islam Question & Answer
2024年10月26日 · The Du`a the Prophet taught us is a brief and concise Du`a that only takes a few minutes. This indicates that what is appropriate in Du`a Al-Qunut is to make it brief and to stick to concise phrases.
How to Pray Witr If You Don't Know Du’a Al-Qunut
2010年2月15日 · There is nothing wrong with reading du’a al-qunut from a piece of paper or a booklet in Witr prayer until one is able to memorize it. It is not obligatory for the du’a of Qunut to be in the words narrated from the Prophet.
Saying Ameen out loud in Qunoot al-nawaazil (Qunoot of calamities)
It says in Mughni al-Mughtaaj (1/362): Note: The one who is praying behind the imam should speak out loud in five places: four places of saying Ameen: he should say Ameen with the imam (i.e., after he recites al-Faatihah); in his du’aa’ when he recites the morning Qunoot; in Qunoot of Witr in the second half of Ramadaan; and in Qunoot an ...
The ahadith of Anas about Qunut in Fajr - Islam Question & Answer
2007年4月9日 · I wanted to know weather this hadith is sahi or daeef : Hadrat Anas ibn Malik (r.a.) said: "The Messenger of Allah did not stop making the qunut dua during the dawn (Fajr) prayer until he left this world." Related by Ahmad, al-Bazzar, adDaraqutni, al …
Is Qunut before or after Ruku’? - Islam Question & Answer
2001年12月31日 · Al-qunut should come after the ruku` but if a person recites it before the ruku` that is OK. You should raise your hands to chest level and not raise them very much, and you should spread your palms (with hands together) and hold them facing up towards the sky.
Is Qunut Compulsory in Fajr? - Islam Question & Answer
2004年7月10日 · It is not Sunnah to recite Qunut in Fajr prayer all the time. Your prayer behind an Imam who recites Qunut in Fajr is valid, but if there is someone who does not always recite Qunut in Fajr, it is better to pray behind him, so as to follow the Sunnah.