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  1. Sophora 'Little Baby' | BBC Gardeners World Magazine

    2019年10月14日 · Sophora prostrata, commonly known as the dwarf kowhai, is a small, evergreen shrub native to New Zealand. It's a particularly attractive plant, with zigzagging growth and small leaves bearing even smaller leaflets. In …

  2. Sophora prostrata ‘Little Baby’ – Dwarf Kowhai (4.5″ Pot)

    Sophora prostrata 'Little Baby', sometimes called Dwarf Kowhai, is an upright, evergreen shrub with wiry, zigzagging branches carrying tiny, adorable leaflets. This New Zealand native bears yellow-orange, beaked pea flowers in fall.

  3. 【植物界】要不要种一棵来自新西兰的童话树? - 哔哩哔哩

  4. Sophora prostrata - Wikipedia

    Sophora prostrata is commonly known as kōwhai, prostrate kōwhai or dwarf kōwhai and is endemic to the eastern South Island from Marlborough to the Waitaki Valley in New Zealand although most commonly found on the Banks …

  5. Dwarf Kowhai - Sophora 'Dragon's Gold' - Blogger

  6. Dwarf Kowhai 'Little Leaf' - Bloombox Club

    Premium guide on caring for Dwarf Kowhai. Discover tips for nurturing this unique plant, perfect for small gardens and indoor spaces! I am an unusual plant with zigzagging branches and tiny leaves that sprout even more tiny leaves.

  7. Sophora prostrata Dwarf Kowhai | Christchurch …

    Sophora prostrata, commonly known as Dwarf Kowhai, is a low-growing shrub or small tree species that belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is native to New Zealand and is known for its vibrant yellow flowers and unique, prostrate …

  8. Sophora prostrata | Free Freight Option - The Plant …

    Sophora prostrata, commonly known as Dwarf Kowhai, this NZ native is a bushy shrub with eye catching form. The intertwined, almost tangled branches are golden coloured and host very small leaves. The flowers in spring are orange, …

  9. Sophora Little Baby | Free Freight Option

    Sophora prostrata Little Baby is a variety of the commonly known, Dwarf Kowhai, and is a NZ native shrub with eye catching form. The intertwined, almost tangled branches are golden coloured and host very small leaves as it grows to 1.5 m …

  10. Dwarf Kowhai Plant Care: Water, Light, Nutrients - Greg …

    Learn exactly what Dwarf Kowhai needs to thrive, get reminders when it’s time to water, and join the growing community on the Greg App.