Dynasty Warriors 2, known in Japan as Shin Sangokumusō (真・三國無双), is a crowd-combat sequel to the fighting game Dynasty Warriors. It is the second game in the Dynasty Warriors series, but the first in the Shin Sangokumusō series.
Dynasty Warriors 2 (真・三國無双, Shin Sangoku Musou; lit. "True Three Kingdoms Unmatched") is the reimagined sequel to Dynasty Warriors. It was originally going to be another fighting game until the producer was told to do something different.
2000年8月23日 · Plunge into battle as one of nine devastatingly fierce soldiers and battle hordes of enemies on foot and on horseback. Join the ranks of the heroes of old in your quest for the greatest prize of all - the right to control all of China.
Dynasty Warriors 2 (真・三國無双, Shin Sangokumusō, Shin Sangokumusou in Japan) is a crowd-combat fighting sequel to the fighting game "Dynasty Warriors". It is the second game in the Dynasty Warriors series, but the first in the Shin Sangokumusō series.
2001年10月17日 · TIP: When on foot sometimes it can be difficult to battle an opponent whose on horse-back. You have 2 options; 1) You can jump up and knock the rider off his mount, which is basically the easiest...
2000年10月25日 · For Dynasty Warriors 2 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 6 guides and walkthroughs, 26 cheat codes and secrets, 32 reviews, and 5 save games.
2024年9月30日 · Dynasty Warriors 2 (真・三國無双, Shin Sangoku Musou; lit. "True Three Kingdoms Unmatched") is the reimagined sequel to Dynasty Warriors. It was originally going to be...