  1. 18 Inspiring Elf on the Shelf Ideas for 2 …

    • Your elves can make simple and adorable snowmen for your hallway doors. All you need is some scissors and some black and orange construction paper or card stock. Prop your elves somewhere nearby so tha… 展开

    Hiding Candy Canes

    Have your two elves sitting by two empty candy cane boxes. Hide all 24 candy canes around the house for your kids to find. This one will take a while, so it’s best to do it on the weekend or … 展开

    Paper Heart Family
    Making Snow Angels

    Your elves can make snow angels to commemorate the holiday season. You can u… 展开

    Paper Heart Family
    Refrigerator Googly Eyes

    Isn’t this just the cutest? Okay, it’s definitely not for everyone. And if you’re not into the whole “be good because the elves are watching so you can make it onto the nice list” thing, it’s stil… 展开

    Paper Heart Family
    Rolling in A Toilet Paper Roll

    This is one of the really easy ideas but it’s also such a great one. My kids still remember this as one of their favorites from a few years ago. Simply stuff your elves into two differen… 展开

    Paper Heart Family