Full Length | Elementary PE Games
These full-length games are all designed to be played during a 45-60 minute period, and work best when coupled with some of our fantastic warm-up games.
Elementary PE Games
Start your school year right, by getting kids happy and active, in the gym or outside, with our pegames.org books! This will be the only Physical Education book you’ll need this year to guarantee to keep the most kids happy and active for the most amount of time possible throughout the day!
Classroom | Elementary PE Games
These games are designed to maximize activity for kids in confined spaces (such as the classroom). Some of these games are high-intensity, some are based on movement that stimulates brain activity, and some are designed with the simple goal of getting kids up, active and happy to move.
Warm-Up | Elementary PE Games
Warm Up PE Games All of these games are designed to be played for between 5 and 10 minutes at the beginning or end of a PE period. When playing tag games, I like to use a specific colour dodgeball (ours is the “Evil Red Ball”), to distinguish who is “It.”
Capture the Flag | Elementary PE Games
The object of the game is to steal the other team’s flag and bring it over the center line to your side without getting tagged. Anyone who is on the other team’s side, and is tagged by a member of that team, MUST go immediately to prison.
Crazy Moves | Elementary PE Games
The next part of this game requires the students to work as a team and to do the action that the teacher calls out at the same time as one another. When they do the action, they must all freeze in that action’s position.
Card War | Elementary PE Games
Classic card game turned into a PE Game! Equipment: 3-5 playing cards per student. Description: Give each student a handful of mixed up playing cards.
Intermediate Full Length | Elementary PE Games
Full Length Elementary PE Games for Intermediate Students These full-length games are all designed to be played during a 45-60 minute period, and work best when coupled with some of our fantastic warm-up games.
Aliens and Astronauts | Elementary PE Games
game. Astronauts can only hold one beanbag at a time. Aliens CANNOT follow the teacher and just wait to tag a returning astronaut. Aliens CAN guard, but not go inside, the black hole, and CAN try and block beanbags with their feet, and KICK THEM away, to keep them from the as-tronauts; BEANBAGS SHOULD ONLY EVER BE SLID ON THE GROUND, NEVER THROWN!
Ring Soccer | Elementary PE Games
The game starts with the partners scattered around the gym, each group of 2 setting their ring between them. When the teacher says “GO,” the students can start to try and kick their ring so that it touches any one of the four walls.