What is the Emotion Code Chart - Bob Randklev Certified Emotion …
The Emotion Code chart is a key component in determining and releasing trapped emotions. The Emotion Code Chart comprises 60 emotions, divided into two columns and six rows. Each box contains five emotions. Each row lists areas of the body these trapped emotions often affect, but there are exceptions.
An Emotional Release Process with an Emotional Pain Chart
They are defining what we call negative trapped emotions. The frog and sweatshirt anger from four years ago. Repressed emotions can be removed using an Emotional Release Process. Combined with an Emotional Pain Chart and a magnet. What we call "The Emotion Code." Practicing Mental-Emotional Release
The #1 Emotion Chart for Energy Healing - Bob Randklev Certified ...
An Emotion Chart of 60 emotions causing pain, discomfort, and even disease. The chart is divided into two vertical columns of 30 emotions. There are 6 horizontal columns of emotions associated with your organs or areas of your body.
What is a Heart Wall? How do you Release Trapped Emotions?
Upon confirmation, we proceed with The Emotion Code chart to identify the trapped emotions. Next, we ask when you received the trapped emotion and maybe a time frame. Next using a healing magnet we release the trapped emotion permanently. Over and over we keep going back and asking if there are more emotions to release from the heart wall.
Emotion Code Heart Wall Chart To Release Emotional Blockages
The Heart Wall Chart helps you find and release negative trapped emotions. A Heart Wall can drag you down and block you from love and happiness. Your heart is the center of your being. Emotional heartaches hurt and are hard to forget. Your subconscious builds a wall to protect you!
What is an Emotional Heart-Wall and How They Affect Our Lives
What age you acquired the emotions and sometimes more circumstances. We find the trapped emotions using muscle testing to ask your subconscious questions. Using The Emotion Code Chart or The Body Code app, we find emotional imbalances. When we identify the trapped emotions, it's like bringing them to the surface of your meridian.
What are the best Emotion Code magnets for energy healing?
Releasing trapped emotions. In the book The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. You learn about trapped emotions your body acquires and holds on to. The trapped emotions are commonly from negative or traumatic past events. The emotions are like "negative balls of energy" in your system. This can lead to pain, discomfort and more over time!
20+ Emotion Code Energy Healing Questions Answered
The Emotion Code Energy Healing Chart lists the primary sixty negative emotions. Not meaning to focus on "negative." But this is what we are trying to get rid of! The Emotion code energy healing chart has column A and column B with thirty emotions in each. The chart is also divided into six rows of odd and even.
What is an Emotion Code Therapy Session Like?
Over time Dr. Brad created The Emotion Code Chart of sixty emotions. The emotions were also mapped to areas of the body in The Body Code he later created. Once identified, he released the trapped emotion by moving a magnet over the primary meridian. He would repeat the process and sometimes release ten or more emotions. The Emotion Code Charts
Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing and How Does it Work
Using The Emotion Code I can manually muscle test for negative trapped emotions and remove them. Reiki is more general overall healing to balance your energy field. Manual Muscle Testing Chart - Flowchart - PDF. The Emotion Code chart lists 60 negative emotions. Two columns of 30, and five rows. Each box has five emotions.