The English Classroom - Ready to teach English lessons
We offer the first 1 month for free! Get teaching today with over 600+ lessons from beginner to advanced, ready-to-teach, including full presentations, sound clips, homework activities and complete teacher instructions.
How to use English teaching resources from The ... - The English …
Get teaching today with over 600+ lessons from beginner to advanced, ready-to-teach, including full presentations, sound clips, homework activities and complete teacher instructions. Let's get teaching!
Prices and plans from The English Classroom
Get teaching today with over 600+ lessons from beginner to advanced, ready-to-teach, including full presentations, sound clips, homework activities and complete teacher instructions. Let's get teaching!
Teach students to speak English fluently with The English Classroom
Get teaching today with over 600+ lessons from beginner to advanced, ready-to-teach, including full presentations, sound clips, homework activities and complete teacher instructions. Let's get teaching!
About - The English Classroom
Get teaching today with over 600+ lessons from beginner to advanced, ready-to-teach, including full presentations, sound clips, homework activities and complete teacher instructions. Let's get teaching!
Promoting a culture of mutual respect in the ... - The English …
Between students and teacher mutual respect may look more like treating all students the same, respecting boundaries, no yelling or threats. How to create a culture of mutual respect in the classroom.
Assessment for learning - what is it? - The English Classroom
Assessment for learning (AFL) is an approach to teaching and learning that is used to improve students’ performance. Cambridge Assessment offers a great post, ' Getting started with Assessment for Learning' and a video to explain in more detail if you want to build on the knowledge in this post.
Summative assessment and how to use it - The English Classroom
At The English Classroom, we include a summative assessment test at the end of each 10 lesson course, sometimes speaking or writing, sometimes as a group. In every summative assessment, there are success criteria for the students to work towards and to be able to grade themselves.
Ready-to-teach English teaching resources - The English Classroom
Get teaching today with over 600+ lessons from beginner to advanced, ready-to-teach, including full presentations, sound clips, homework activities and complete teacher instructions. Let's get teaching!
Summative assessment: How to create a reading test - The English …
At The English Classroom, we provide a summative assessment at the end of each 10 lesson course. If you would like to take a closer look at what a summative assessment is and how to use it you can find our handy guide here.