How would you rate your current level of function during you usual activities of daily living from 0 to 100 with 100 being your level of function prior to your foot or ankle problem and 0 being the …
Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) Activities of Daily Living Subscale Please Answer every question with one response that most closely describes your condition within the past week. If …
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer every question with one response that most closely describes your condition within the past week. If the activity in question is limited by something other …
How would you rate your current level of function during your usual activities of daily living from 0 to 100 with 100 being your level of function prior to your foot or ankle problem and 0 being the …
FOOT&ANKLE ABILITY MEASURE (FAAM) Activities Of Daily Living Subscale Please answer every question with one response that most closely describes your condition within the past …
FOOT & ANKLE ABILTY MEASURE (FAAM) Activities Of Daily Living Subscale PT.NO NAME DOB UW Medicine Health System Harborview Medical Center – UW Medical Center …
THE FAAM Instructions for completion of this questionnaire: Please answer every question with ONE answer, based on your condition within the past week. If the activity in question is limited …
Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) Sports Scale-Carcia ed al. J of Athletic Training 2008 Because of your foot and ankle how much difficulty do you have with: No Slight Moderate …