ThE RIASEC TEST Turn the page to see what this R I A S E C R I A S E C Grand Total R I A S E C Add up the number of filled in circles in each column and then add the two columns together for a grand total. Using your grand total scores from above, transfer the scores for each letter into the appropriate column below.
Which Career Pathway is right for you? Follow these easy steps to see where your interests are. Read each statement. If you agree with the statement, fill in the circle. There are no wrong answers! 1. I like to work on cars. 2. I like to do puzzles. 3. I am good at working independently. 4. I like to work in teams. 5. I am an ambitious person, 6.
Holland Code Assessment ARTISTIC A Total = Are You: Can You: Like To: Creative Attend concerts, theaters, Sketch, draw, paint art exhibits Intuitive Read fiction, plays, poetry Play a musical instrument
The following is a personality test designed to help you understand yourself, with a particular focus on careers. Instructions On the following two pages is a list of various activities that could be preformed. For each one indicate on the empty space to the right how much you would enjoy that activity with the scale 1 – strongly dislike 2 ...
These people are often good at mechanical or athletic jobs. Good college majors for Realistic people are... These people like to work with other people,
2024年1月1日 · The Holland Code report is completely free. At first, you take a look at how your interests align with each of the six Holland types. After this, your primary interest is then explored in detail.