  1. Copilot 答案
    Preschool in France: What French maternelle is reall…

    The littlest preschoolers are in Petite section (PS) and can be as young as 2 years and 8 months, since France goes by the calendar year. It isn’t nursery (crèche), but it is not usually that big of a change. If there are a lot of really young children (i.e. children born at the end of the year), the town will open a TPS or Toute Petite Sectionfor ...

    Snippets of Paris

    With a little bit more emphasis on writing the ABCs and writing their names in Capital letters, the Moyenne section 4-year-olds build on what they have learnt in Petite section. The routine is more or less the same. Many French maternelles actually have mixed classes with PS-MS or MS-GS children together in a Montessori style, so that older childre...


    The French school systemis based on cycles, and Grande section is the end of Cycle 1. So while parents may feel a bit more pressure, the teachers try not to place any on the students. In terms of international equivalence, Grande section is the equivalent of Kindergarten, where children attend when they are 5 years old. Grande section kids will kno...


    Maternelle starts at around 8:30am every morning and continues until 4:30pm. There is a 2-hour break in the middle of the day for lunch and recreation. A typical preschooler’s day involves: 1. Morning greeting– Singing a welcome song, counting the number of children in the class, etc. 2. Ateliers(workshops) – arts, crafts, writing, games, playdough...


    Little Petite sectionners will have a nap, with proper mattresses and blankets for about 30-45 minutes every afternoon. Older Moyen and Grand section children will do a “temps calme” where they lie down on mats for around 20-30 minutes and rest. They may fall asleep if they are tired, but that is left up to them. The teachers usually go at the pace...

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