how to measure distances/lengths in gazebo? - Gazebo Answers …
2019年10月21日 · Gazebo newbie here. I was wondering if there is any way to measure distance or lengths in Gazebo. If so ...
How to create a slope/ramp in Gazebo editor
2014年3月26日 · Is it possible to create a ramp in the Gazebo editor? BR. Asked by Eisenhorn on 2014-03-26 09:34:55 UTC ...
Gazebo doesn't save Worlds - Gazebo Answers archive
2020年7月5日 · My problem is about the Gazebo 11. I am trying to build a world but when i save the world this changes doesn't affect the world file. So when i reopen the world file, the changes that i made is can't be seen. This include basic transport moves. No changes saved in file. This problem occurred suddenly. I don't now anything about what causes the ...
Bird wing simulation using Gazebo - Gazebo Answers archive
2017年10月2日 · The authors used Gazebo plugins to implement empirical equations for a swimming robot's buoyancy, drag, and flipper thrust underwater. Flexible surfaces can be approximated by using smaller rigid surfaces connected with joints. Finally, Gazebo may not be the best option for your particular design.
gazebo_ros_vacuum_gripper not working as expected
Still not sure why I am able to apply an additional body force in Gazebo (that is more than the weight of the box, but less than weight of box + vacuum force), and the box lifts off the ground. Asked by JoshMarino on 2016-10-28 16:40:16 UTC
Articulated vehicle control in gazebo and ROS
a publisher, which publish a new model pose to the topic gazebo/set_model_state. a service /gazebo/set_model_configuration, which controls the position of the joint. After connecting gazebo to ROS and starting this node, controlling the model was fine. NOW, I have to control each part autonomously (considering each part as a separate model ...
How to actuate the ball joint in Gazebo? - Gazebo Answers archive
2013年1月12日 · I want to actuate the ball joint in Gazebo for my academic project. The ball joint is supported only in sdf format, and the gazeboroscontrol package which is used for actuating the joints is used with the URDF description of robot.
gazebo7: hangs on downloading models - Gazebo Answers archive
re: what else do you want: I want to either be pointed to some documentation I missed that notifies current users of this change OR it would be nice if we could automate this somehow: release an update to Gazebo 7 that fixes this (if the most recent versions don't already do) or perhaps see whether a redirect could be setup between the old and the new URL/server.
Gazebo not running "No protocol specified" - Gazebo Answers …
2020年7月8日 · (I am using Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 9.13.1 and ROS Melodic with Ubuntu 18.04) I run gazebo ...
Pose calculation in gazebosim tutorial - Gazebo Answers archive
Poses in Gazebo represent a transform between two frames. They are defined by 6 values: <pose> x y z roll pitch yaw </pose> Translation (x y z) is applied before rotation (roll pitch yaw) Fixed axis is used for the rotation. Reference frames. Currently poses are always defined with respect to a specific frame according to the element it belongs to.