- The General Self-Efficacy Scale is a 10-item psychometric scale that assesses optimistic self-beliefs to cope with various life demands1234. Developed by Matthias Jerusalem and Ralf Schwarzer in 1981, it measures perceived self-efficacy and has been used in numerous studies with a large number of participants1.了解详细信息:✕以上信息汇总借助人工智能技术,若访问原文请查看了解详细信息。
The General Self-Efficacy Scale is a 10-item psychometric scale that is designed to assess optimistic self-beliefs to cope with a variety of difficult demands in life. The scale was developed in German by Matthias...
measure-wellbeing.org/measures-bank/gse/The General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE; Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995) was created to assess a general sense of perceived self-efficacy with the aim in mind to predict coping with daily hassles as well as adaptation...
psycnet.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/t00393-000The General Self-Efficacy scale measures self-perception of self-efficacy. It is a self-report questionnaire that asks test-takers to rate perceived self-efficacy in order to predict their coping abilitieswww.sralab.org/rehabilitation-measures/general-se…The General Self-Efficacy Scale is a 10-item psychometric scale that is designed to assess optimistic self-beliefs to cope with a variety of difficult demands in life.psycnet.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/t18916-000 General Self-Efficacy Scale - APA PsycNet
(PDF) The general self-efficacy scale (GSE) - ResearchGate
2010年1月1日 · General Self-Efficacy Scale: A 10-item scale assessed on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree", correlated to emotion, optimism, and work satisfaction.
一般自我效能感量表(General Self-Efficacy Scale - MedSci
General Self Efficacy Scale (GSE) – Evaluating wellbeing
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General self-efficacy scale | Research | Imperial College …
This is a recommended, validated, and reliable scale for measuring general self-efficacy. The scale below has been adapted from Chen, Gully, and Eden (2001) to align with the best practices outlined in our best practices for questionnaire …
General Self-Efficacy Scale - APA PsycNet
The general self-efficacy scale: multicultural validation studies