GOAL-ORIENTED definition | Cambridge English Dictionary
GOAL-ORIENTED meaning: 1. a goal-oriented person or team works hard to achieve good results in the tasks that they have…. Learn more.
GOAL-ORIENTED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
GOAL-ORIENTED definition: 1. a goal-oriented person or team works hard to achieve good results in the tasks that they have…. Learn more.
Goal Orientation: What It Is And How To Enhance It At Work
At its core, goal orientation refers to the ability to set clear goals and consistently work toward them. This approach goes beyond mere goal setting; It involves a proactive and persevering mindset that guides daily actions.
Goal-Oriented: Everything You Need to Know When Assessing Goal-Oriented …
Definition of Goal-Oriented Goal-oriented is a personal capability that involves setting, pursuing, and achieving personal and professional targets. Often linked to motivation, determination, and ambition, it is the drive to accomplish desired outcomes with resilience and perseverance.
Goal orientation - Wikipedia
Goal orientation, or achievement orientation, is an "individual disposition towards developing or validating one's ability in achievement settings". [1] In general, an individual can be said to be mastery or performance oriented, based on whether one's goal is to develop one's ability or to demonstrate one's ability, respectively. [2]
Becoming goal-oriented: Definition, examples & tips - Marlee
Goal oriented means being motivated by a clear vision, mission, goal or aspiration. That is to say, for you to start and complete projects, you prefer having at least one clear goal that keeps you going.
GOAL-ORIENTED Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Goal-oriented definition: . See examples of GOAL-ORIENTED used in a sentence.
What Is Goal Orientation? - Chron.com
Goal orientation describes the actions of people and organizations regarding reaching their primary aims, according to Organizational Psychology Degrees. In business, goal orientation is a type...
How To Be More Goal-Oriented at Work: 10 Tips To Try
2024年8月15日 · Being goal-oriented means you're focused on reaching or completing specific tasks to achieve a planned outcome. People who are goal-oriented are driven and motivated by purpose. Also known as being task-driven or results-driven, someone who is goal-oriented uses targets to stay motivated in their work.
Goal-oriented meaning - definition and examples
Being goal-oriented means having a clear vision of what you want to achieve and taking specific actions to make it happen. It is about setting objectives, creating a plan, and working towards those goals with determination and focus.