约 15 个结果
  1. Heat Flux Sensors | FluxTeq | Blacksburg, VA 24060

    FluxTeq is an internationally recognized producer of heat flux sensors and heat flux plates, thermocouple readers, and thermal sensing products for use in scientific research, …

  2. FAQ - fluxteq

    FluxTeq's specialty HTHFS-01 heat flux sensor was specifically designed to withstand extreme temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius (1832 degrees Fahrenheit). Heat flux range for the …

  3. Heat Flux Sensor Products | Sensors and Data Loggers |FluxTeq

    Purchase heat flux sensors and data acquisition instruments. Various and custom sensor sizes available.

  4. FluxDAQ Heat Flux Sensor and Thermocouple Measurement System

    The FluxDAQ is a signal measurement system that can be used for accurately measuring and recording precise analog voltage signals from FluxTeq's heat flux/thermocouple thermal sensors.

  5. PHFS-01 Heat Flux Sensor | FluxTeq

    The PHFS-01 heat flux sensor is the first low-cost, yet reliable sensor on the market. It has minimal thickness while still maintaining excellent sensitivity. This sensor is recommended for …

  6. FluxDAQ+ | Heat Flux Sensor and Thermocouple Data Logger

    The FluxDAQ+ is a low-cost Arduino based data acquisition system that is designed to accurately measure the small analog DC voltage output signals from PHFS heat flux sensors, their …

  7. In-Situ R-value Measurement Using Heat Flux Sensors | FluxTeq

    Use FluxTeq's PHFS-09e heat flux sensors to directly measure R-values of building walls, windows, attics, etc.

  8. Workshop #1 | fluxteq

    The workshops use a combination of thermocouples and heat flux sensors to measure both of these quantities simultaneously. The sensor output is read by a data acquisition board (DAQ) …

  9. Thermal Monitoring of Buildings - fluxteq

    FluxTeq has developed low cost heat flux sensors that can be easily placed on walls and windows to measure and monitor thermal energy loss/gain through them. Heat Flux Sensors can be …

  10. Heat Flux Plates | FluxTeq

    Our Ultra-09 heat flux plates have extremely high sensitivities. These rigid plates are perfect for building science applications, soil/geothermal heat flux studies, or any application involving …