Vaccinium pallidum — hillside blueberry - Go Botany
仅显示来自 的搜索结果Vaccinium Myrtilloides
Velvet-leaved blueberry gets its common name from the fact that its leaves are covered with …
Vaccinium Angustifolium
Common lowbush blueberry is fire-tolerant and rhizomatous, and a very common colonizer o…
Vaccinium pallidum - Wikipedia
Vaccinium pallidum (Bilberry, Blue Ridge Blueberry, Dryland …
Hillside Blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum)
While the lower leaf surface of Hillside Blueberry is lighter (pale green) than the upper leaf surface, the lower and upper leaf surfaces of Northern Low-Bush Blueberry are about the same color (medium green). An obsolete scientific …
Hillside Blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum) - Carolina Nature
2011年4月17日 · A common low blueberry of xeric sites, such as hillsides, Vaccinium pallidum has glabrous (smooth) twigs; the leaves are glaucous (whitened) beneath. Hillside Blueberry flowers in mid-April. The flowers are …
Vaccinium pallidum; Low Bush Huckleberry - University of …
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Vaccinium Pallidum - Greg App
Vaccinium pallidum (Cape Cod Native Garden Plants)
Hillside blueberry grows on dry, rocky hillsides, upland ridges, rocky outcrops and ledges, sandy knolls, and in shale barrens [ 14 , 58 , 61 , 53 ]. It commonly occurs on a variety of disturbed sites, such as abandoned
Hillside Blueberry - University of Maryland Extension
2023年3月6日 · Hillside Blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum) is a Maryland native plant, a type of low bush blueberry that grows to about two feet in height.
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